mean-jwt-rest-auth is a RESTful authentication application with Json web tokens(JWT) based out of two of the best articles/tutorials on the web:
1. -
2. -
Combined the above two solutions, customized and added UI validations. Thanks to both the authors for the above articles. User will be shown Home,Signin,Signup if he/she is not registered/logged in , else Home,Me and Logout are shown.
redis needs to be up and running on port 6379
mongodb needs to be up and running on port 27017
Pick the latest versions available, change the ports accordingly as per your choice or use the same ones.
Clone the repository with: sri7vasu@home:/$ git clone
Install the Dependencies by running sri7vasu@home:/var/www/angular/mean-jwt-rest-auth$ npm install
- Edit server.js and replace the value of Access-Control-Allow-Origin to match your server configuration if required.
- Edit app/js/app.js and replace the value of options.api.base_url to match your server configuration if required.
- Edit server/config/mongo_database.js and replace the value of mongodbURL to match your server configuration or port if required.
- Edit server/config/secret.js and replace the value of exports.secretToken to a different token if required.
Install redis from Go to the redis-server download folder, browse to 32-bit or 64-bit based on your configuration. This folder can be placed any where on your machine. Start your redis instance by double clicking on redis-server.exe
/local path/$ redis-server
[13499] 31 Oct 15:25:54.165 # Server started, Redis version 2.8.9
[13499] 31 Oct 15:25:54.165 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 6379
Go to mongodb download folder, browse to bin folder and run mongod.exe by double clicking.Install robomongo, that would be a helpful tool for debugging purposes.
Runs like a typical express app:
node server.js
$ node server.js
Express server listening on port 3000
Redis is ready
Connection successful to: mongodb://localhost:27017/mean-jwt-rest-auth
sri7vasu@home:/var/www/angular/mean-jwt-rest-auth/app/$ http-server
$ http-server
Starting up http-server, serving ./
Available on:
Hit CTRL-C to stop the server
Now, browse to http://localhost:8080 to see the app.
Please contact me if you have any questions/issues at [email protected]