Express server with bunch of simple apis for authorizing and manipulating google speradsheets data.
All API's use headers for autorization:
and HEADERS['client_secret']
- developer keys, that could be got here ("Enable the Google Sheets API" button)
- stringified token from api /auth/step2
This API returns url, where after allowing app to use your google account you'll be given code
for the second authourization API
Property | Description |
HEADERS['client_id'] | client id developer key |
HEADERS['client_secret'] | client secret developer key |
Property | Description |
HEADERS['client_id'] | client id developer key |
HEADERS['client_secret'] | client secret developer key |
QUERY['code'] | code from the previous step |
"access_token": "somestring",
"refresh_token": "somestring",
"scope": "",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expiry_date": 1572100000000
Wrapper of spreadsheets.values.get method
Property | Description |
HEADERS['client_id'] | client id developer key |
HEADERS['client_secret'] | client secret developer key |
HEADERS['token'] | Stringified token from /auth/step2 |
BODY['spreadsheetId'] | id of desired sheet (from doc url) |
BODY['sheetTab'] | name of desired sheet tab |
BODY['range'] | desired range (ex: "A1:B3") |
property from ValueRange
["Name", "Age"],
["Aaron", "15"],
["Andrew", "20"]
Wrapper of spreadsheets.values.update method
Property | Description |
HEADERS['client_id'] | client id developer key |
HEADERS['client_secret'] | client secret developer key |
HEADERS['token'] | Stringified token from /auth/step2 |
BODY['spreadsheetId'] | id of desired sheet (from doc url) |
BODY['sheetTab'] | name of desired sheet tab |
BODY['range'] | desired range (ex: "A1:B3") |
BODY['values'] | updated values (formatted like response in /table/get ) |