Linux config dotfiles for easier setup.
Clone this repo into ~/.dotfiles
, and make symlinks to the configs with ./
Make sure these are up to date!
The point of this is to make sure all of the shortcuts that I use (both default and custom) are consistent across the environments, to avoid confusion.
Ctrl + d
- Kill shell (but not when a process is running)
Ctrl + u
- Clear line
Ctrl + r
- Search history of commands by query in prompt
Ctrl + c
- Stop program or prompt line
Ctrl + z
- Suspend program (to go back, use fg
Ctrl + Shift + c
- Copy selected text
Ctrl + Shift + v
, Ctrl + v
, Shift + Insert
- Paste text
Ctrl + l
, RightArrow
- Autocomplete line
Ctrl + f
- Search files and folders
Ctrl + Alt + l
- Seach git log for the repo you’re currently in
Ctrl + Alt + s
- Search git status for the repo you’re currently in
Ctrl + r
- Search shell command history
Ctrl + Alt + v
- Search shell variables
Ctrl + Alt + p
- Search processes
Ctrl + v
- Paste text (as fish-fzf allows for this if Search Shell Variables is unbound)
Ctrl + Shift + Space
- Quick Access
Note that all of these should be in the zellij_forgot plugin config for the
Ctrl + h
, zjls
, zja
, zjk
, zjka
, zjda
- Fish shell aliases
Ctrl + x
- Help / Keybinds
Ctrl + g
- Lock mode
Ctrl + p
- Pane mode
-> h/j/k/l
- Move between panes
-> n
- New pane in the most suitable slot, in the tab or floating, depending
-> d
, r
- New pane downwards or to the right
-> x
- Close pane
-> c
- Rename pane
-> f
- Fullscreen pane
-> z
- Toggle pane frames (to show borders and names)
-> w
- Toggle floating mode, and make a new pane there if there isn't any
-> e
- Embed floating pane into the tab, or eject a pane to floating state
-> p
- Cycle through panes
Ctrl + t
- Tab mode
-> n
- New tab
-> x
- Close tab
-> r
- Rename tab
-> b
- Break current pane into new tab
-> s
- Toggle synced tab (all input will be the same on all panes of the tab)
-> Tab
- Cycle through tabs (kinda?)
Ctrl + n
- Resize mode
-> +/-
- Increase / decrease the size of the pane
-> h/j/k/l
- Resize the pane in a direction
Ctrl + e
- Panel move mode
Ctrl + a
- Scroll, Search & Copy to editor mode
-> k/j
, PgUp/PgDn
, u,d
- Scroll up / down
-> e
- Open scrollback in the default editor
-> s
- Search, with n
and p
moving between them, c
toggling case sensitivity and w
toggling wrapping when going through results
Ctrl + y
- Session mode
-> d
- Detach session
-> w
- Session manager
Alt + h/j/k/l
- Move between panes (and tabs)
Alt + +(=)/-
- Increase / decrease the size of the pane
Note that the tmux
mode is unbound, as I don't need it.
Also don't need the Ctrl + q
to quit, since I have Ctrl + d
Note that I use the word tab, and not window.
, ta
, td
, tls
, tks
- Fish shell aliases
Ctrl + a + Shift + i
- Install plugins with tpm (make sure you git cloned tpm)
Ctrl + a + r
- Refresh config
Ctrl + t
, Ctrl + a + t
- New tab
Ctrl + a + v
- Split vertically
Ctrl + a + h
- Split horizontally
Alt + h/j/k/l
, Alt + ArrowKeys
, Ctrl + a + ArrowKeys
(TTY) - Switch between panes
Ctrl + Shift + PgUp/PgDn
- Switch between tabs
Ctrl + a + (/)
- Switch between sessions
Ctrl + a + {Number}
- Switch to tab {Number}
Ctrl + a + f
- Show pane numbers. You can switch to a specific pane with Ctrl + a + f + {Number}
Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right
, Ctrl + a + {/}
- Swap pane with previous/next position
Ctrl + a + Ctrl + ArrowKeys
- Resize pane
Ctrl + a + d
- Detach session and return to native terminal shell
Ctrl + a + e
, Ctrl + d
(kill shell only) - Kill pane
Ctrl + a + w
- Kill tab
Ctrl + a + q
- Kill session
Ctrl + a + :
- Enter command mode
Ctrl + a + a
- Tab overview
(there is no pane overview, so you'll have to expand the panes in the tree)
Ctrl + a + . + Number
- Move tab to position {Number}
Ctrl + a + s
- Rename session
Ctrl + a + x
- Rename tab\
Ctrl + a + z
- Fullscreen pane (zoom)
Ctrl + a + c
- Big ass clock
Ctrl + a + ?
- Show all commands, including your config changes\
Ctrl + c
- A faster Esc
Ctrl + s
- Save (and exit Insert, Visual or Command Mode)
Tab + ,
- Open config files location
Tab + f
- Open Telescope file search
Tab + gr
- Open Telescope live grep
Tab + b
- Open Telescope buffer search
Tab + g + g
- Open LazyGit
Tab + g + s
- Open Telescope git status
Ctrl + n
- Open integrated terminal
Ctrl + q
- Save and close window (and/or quit NeoVim), same as :wq
Ctrl + w
- Close buffer
Ctrl + h/j/k/l
- Cycle between windows visible on the screen
Tab + s + h
- Split horizontally
Tab + s + v
- Split vertically
- Reset window sizes
Ctrl + ArrowKeys
- Resize current window
Shift + j/k
, Ctrl + PgUp/PgDn
- (Normal Mode) Cycle between buffers for the current window
Ctrl + Shift + PgUp/PgDn
- Move buffers in cokeline
Ctrl + Shift + PgUp/PgDn
, Ctrl + Shift + j/k
- Move buffers in bufferline
Shift + h/l
- Go to beginning / end of line
Ctrl + /
- Toggle comment
Ctrl + f
- Format document
- Search (with Flash)
Ctrl + r
- Search and replace
- Clear search highlighting
- Flash jump
, Shift + u
- Undo and redo
Tab + a
- Select all
Tab + p + s
- Sync packages and TreeSitter parsers
Tab + t
- Toggle TreeSitter highlighting
Tab + m
- Markdown Preview
Tab + z
- Zen Mode
Tab + c
- Choose colorscheme
Tab + d
- See LSP diagnostics
- (Visual Mode) Move all selected lines up or down
Alt + d
- Duplicate line
, W
- Move forward / backward by word
, -
- Increment / decrement number under cursor
Shift + p
- Paste without changing the register
; + t/e/g/j/k/l/m/n
- Telescope main menu (t
), and search for emoji, gitmoji, julia, kaomoji, latex, math and Nerd Font symbols
- Go to file under cursor
- Open file or URL under cursor with system application
- Codeium - Accept suggestion
Shift + Tab
- Codeium - Insert Tab character regardless of suggestion
Alt + p
- Codeium - Previous suggestion
Alt + n
- Codeium - Next suggestion
Ctrl + ]
- Codeium - Clear suggestion
Ctrl + j/k
- Move up and down in Telescope and nvim-cmp (just like in fzf)
- Change working directory for NeoVim
- Edit another file
Ctrl + b
- Toggle file browser
, o
- Edit file structure
- Apply changes
- Go into or open file in new tab
- Exit mini-files
Ctrl + p
- Search files
Ctrl + Shift + p
- Command palette
Ctrl + ,
- Settings
Ctrl + Shift + ,
- Settings JSON
Ctrl + t
, Ctrl + n
- New tab (new file)
Ctrl + Shift + n
- New window
Ctrl + w
- Close tab
Ctrl + q
- Quit
Ctrl + b
- Toggle sidebar
Ctrl + j
- Toggle panel (with terminal)
Ctrl + Alt + b
- Toggle Activity Bar (far left)
Ctrl + Alt + s
- Toggle Status Bar (far bottom)
Ctrl + Shift + e
- Focus on Explorer (or you can just Ctrl + p
Ctrl + Shift + f
- Focus on Search
Ctrl + k + Ctrl + t
- Change theme
Ctrl + k + z
- Zen mode
Ctrl + k + v
- Markdown preview
Ctrl + k + s
- Save without formatting
Ctrl + Up/Down
- Scroll
Ctrl + PgUp/PgDn
- Switch between tabs, through windows
Ctrl + Shift + PgUp/PgDn
- Move tab position in window
Ctrl + Alt + ArrowKeys
- Move between windows
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + ArrowKeys
- Move tab beween windows
Ctrl + Number
- Go to window {Number}
Ctrl + Tab
- Alt-Tab between tabs (sucks ass)
Ctrl + =/-/0
- Zoom in/out/reset text
Ctrl + Shift + =/-/0
- Zoom in/out/reset UI
- Rename anything
Ctrl + /
- Toggle comment
Alt + Up/Down
- Move line
Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down
, Alt + Shift + Up/Down
, Alt + Click
- Add more cursors
Ctrl + Space
- Intellisense completion
Ctrl + x
- Cut line
Ctrl + F5
- Run
- Debug
- Continue to the next breakpoint
Shift + F5
- Stop
Ctrl + Shift + F5
- Restart
- Step over
- Step into
Shift + F11
- Step out
Ctrl + i
- Codeium command in editor
Ctrl + Alt + a
- Codeium chat
Ctrl + Enter
- Query with codebase (kinda borked)
- Accept suggestion
Alt + [/]
- Cycle suggestions
Ctrl + i
- Phind chat
Ctrl + Shift + l
- Phind search terminal output
Ctrl + ,
- Open settings
Ctrl + Alt + s
- Status bar
Mouse Upwards, Ctrl + Alt + d
- Address bar
Mouse Downwards, Ctrl + Space
, Ctrl + F11
- Show UI
Mouse to the Right, Ctrl + Shift + b
- Bookmark bar
Mouse to the Left, Alt + LeftArrow
- Go back
Alt + RightArrow
- Go forward
Ctrl + e
, F2
- Command bar (make sure to be in a page that doesn’t override it)
Ctrl + b
- Panel
Ctrl + j
- Downloads
Ctrl + PgUp/PgDn
- Switch between tabs
Ctrl + Shift + PgUp/PgDn
- Move tabs around
Ctrl + q
- Cycle recently used tabs (Ctrl
+ Tab
by default)
Ctrl + Shift + q
- Cycle recently used tabs in reverse order (Ctrl
+ Shift
+ Tab
by default)
Ctrl + t
- New tab
Ctrl + w
- Close tab
Ctrl + Shift + t
- Reopen closed tab
Ctrl + n
- New window
Ctrl + Shift + n
- New incognito window
- List of shortcuts
- Insert Mode, or "Ignore Mode", as it ignores Vimium shortcuts and allows native site navigation
- Visual Mode
- Caret Mode when in Visual Mode, to move the cursor
- Leave Mode
, d
, u
, gg
, G
- Work how you’d expect
- Reload the page
, n
, N
- Search, working as expected
- Copy the URL
, F
- Opens anchor in the current/new tab (click and middle click)
, O
- Browser search (web search, tabs, bookmarks, history) and open in current/new tab
, K
- Go to tab left/right (Ctrl
+ PageUp
, L
- Go back/forward
- Jump to last used tab (like doing Ctrl
+ q
in Vivaldi)
- Close tab (Ctrl
+ w
- New tab (Ctrl
+ t
- Search tabs (T
is like if o
was filtered only for tabs)
Alt + Space
, Alt + F2
- KRunner
Alt + F3
- Show KDE window menu (for when you're in Fullscreen or No Border)
Meta + Enter
, Ctrl + Alt + t
- Open Konsole
Meta + c
- Resize window
Meta + v
- Move window
Meta + b
- Toggle window border
Ctrl + M
, Ctrl + Shift + M
- Toggle menubar in KDE apps
Meta + Number
- Open an app from the task manager
Meta + w
- Overview effect (on newer versions of Plasma)
Meta + d
- Show desktop
Meta + ArrowKeys
- Pin window to a side of the screen
Meta + PgUp
- Maximize window
Meta + PgDn
- Minimize window
Meta + Space
- Switch keyboard layout
Ctrl + Alt + F2-F6
- TTY (F1 is always the standard GUI)
Ctrl + Meta + ArrowKeys
- Move between virtual desktops
Meta + Tab
- Alt-tab through virtual desktops
Ctrl + F8
- Virtual desktop grid
Ctrl + F{Number}
- Go to virtual desktop {Number}
Ctrl + Alt + Esc
- Run xkill
to kill a process with a window
, Shift + PrtScr
- Capture Current Monitor
Ctrl + Shift + PrtScr
- Capture Window Under Cursor
Ctrl + PrtScr
- Open Spectacle
- Capture Rectangluar Region
To pin, export the rectangular region to qimgv and pin that window.
- Rename
- Open terminal inside of Dolphin
, Shift + F4
- Open folder in terminal emulator
- Toggle sidebar
- New folder
- Go back
Ctrl + Backspace
, Alt + Up
- Go up
Ctrl + t
- New tab
Ctrl + w
- Close tab
Ctrl + h
- Show hidden files (the ones starting with .)
Shift + ArrowUp/ArrowDown
- Move up or down
Shift + PgUp/PgDown
- Move up or down, but faster!
Shift + Home
- Go to start
Shift + End
- Go to end
Ctrl + Shift + f
- Search
Ctrl + Shift + t
- New tab
Ctrl + Shift + w
- Close tab
Shift + ArrowUp/ArrowDown
- Move up or down
Shift + PgUp/PgDown
- Move up or down, but faster!
Shift + Home
- Go to start
Shift + End
- Go to end
Ctrl + Shift + f
- Search
Ctrl + Shift + Space
- Vi mode
Hold Shift when over a message to have more options.
Ctrl + /
- Shortcut List
Alt + Up/Down
- Go through channels
Ctrl + Alt + Up/Down
- Go through servers
Ctrl + T (or Ctrl + K)
- Channel, Server or DM search (!!!)
Ctrl + F
- Search
Ctrl + S
- Stickers
Ctrl + G
- Gifs
Ctrl + E
- Emojis
Ctrl + Shift + M
- Mute
Ctrl + Shift + D
- Deafen
Meta + h/j/k/l
- Move between windows
Meta + Space
- Go through windows
Meta + Shift + h/j/k/l
- Move windows around
Meta + Ctrl + h/j/k/l
- Change size of window
Meta + n
- Reset window sizes
Meta + Enter
- Spawn terminal
Meta + f
- Toggle floating for window
Meta + c
, Meta + w
, Alt + F4
- Kill window
Meta + Ctrl + r
- Reload Qtile config
Meta + Shift + r
- Restart Qtile
Meta + Ctrl + q
- Shutdown Qtile
Meta + r
- Open spawn prompt
Meta + Number
- Go to group {Number}
Meta + Shift + Number
- Move window to group {Number}
Meta + Shift + Enter
- Toggle stack splitting for column layout
Meta + Tab
- Go through groups
Alt + Tab
- Go through windows
Just use ?
and /
to search for the thing you need.
Know that shortcuts are panel-based.
For more info, see the LazyGit Notion page.
Notable shortcuts :
- Zoom into the current pane, useful for diffs
- Command log options
- Copy to special folder
- Upscale using my upscaler
- Convert to AVIF CRF 25
- Convert to AVIF CRF 19
- Convert to WEBP Q88 CL6
- Convert to JXL EFF7 DIST1
- Convert to JPEG
- Convert to PNG
Alias set to music
- Sorting criteria
- Library, which includes browse, filter, tracks and play queue
Tab/Shift + Tab
, u/o
- Change window
- Change volume
- Previous/next track
- All track search
- Global search
- Rate track (MusikCube only, not file system)
- Toggle repeat
- Toggle shuffle
Alt + Enter
- Context menu
Ctrl + r
- Rescan library
- Shortcuts
Ctrl + d
- Quit
- Toggle MangoHUD in a MangoHUD-attached game
- Toggle FPS limit in a MangoHUD-attached game
Ctrl + p
- Global search
Ctrl + \
- Sidebar
Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down
- Move block up/down
Ctrl + e
- Inline code
Ctrl + Shift + e
- Inline equation
Ctrl + Shift + h
- Color text
Ctrl + o
- Voice dictation (very nice! it totally doesn't spy on you!)
Ctrl + j
- Ask AI, inline
You can always open the keybinds menu and filter by assigned to see all of them.
Ctrl + ,
- Settings
Ctrl + Shift + i
- Developer tools
Ctrl + r
- Reload Obsidian
+ +/-/0
- Zoom UI in/out/reset
+ Scroll
- Zoom font
Ctrl + p
- Quick switcher (file browser)
Ctrl + Shift + p
- Command palette
Ctrl + e
- Reading mode
Ctrl + Hover
- Link preview
Ctrl + ;
- Add property to file
Alt + Enter
- Open link under cursor in the current tab (if unpinned)
Ctrl + Enter
- Open link under cursor in a new tab
Ctrl + PgUp/PgDn
- Previous/next tab
Ctrl + g
- Global graph view
Ctrl + Shift + g
- Local graph view
Ctrl + k
- Insert markdown link
Ctrl + f
- Search file
Ctrl + Shift + r
- Search and replace in file
Ctrl + Shift + f
- Search whole vault
Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down
- Move line up/down
Ctrl + Up/Down
- Add multi-cursor up/down
Ctrl + /
- Comment
Ctrl + l
- Toggle checkbox status
Alt + Left
- Toggle left sidebar
Alt + Right
- Toggle right sidebar
- Jump to link's flash jump
Ctrl + '
- Jump to link's link open
Ctrl + x
- Jump to link's regex search
Ctrl + h
- Homepage
Ctrl + Num
- Wrapper - Foreground coloring
Ctrl + Shift + Num
- Wrapper - Background coloring
Alt + Num
- Wrapper - Special highlighting