This Django project show how to limit process based on priority.
You need to install python 3.5 or upper and install virtualenv on your os.
Please follow this steps to run the project:
After that, pull this project from GIT and go to project folder
1- Create virtualenv
virtualenv myenv
2- Active virtualenv
source myenv/bin/activate
3- Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
4- Migrate databases
python migrate
5- Load sample users
python loaddata users
7- Run the project
python runserver 8000
7- We need to open another console (Terminal) and run this command in project folder:
python start_limiter
That's it!
You can use it now.
We some sample user you can select them for add new process:
User ID | weight |
1 | 1 |
2 | 4 |
3 | 1 |
4 | 3 |
5 | 2 |
For adding new process please call this request to server:
Method | URL | data * |
POST | | user_id : 5 , x : 10 |
This process will import to Queue.
data :
- user id : one of above table user_id (Ex. 3)
- x : Actually is how much time needs to complete task in seconds (Ex. 10)
For get status of tasks you can call this method:
Method | URL |
GET | |
And the console log of start_limiter command you can see what happening in limiter task.
You can see what happen in process in this file:
And you can change sleep time to see process better
- Soheil Tayyeb Naeini - Initial work - StarSoheil2007
This project is licensed under the Free License.
- This is Test for hiring process of one company.