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--- title: "Documentation for running pbj simulations on AWS" author: "Simon Vandekar" date: "2/7/2020" output: html_document --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, eval=TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.width=15, fig.height=9) path = Sys.getenv('PATH') path = Sys.setenv('PATH'=paste(path, '/home/rstudio/.local/bin', sep=':')) ``` ## AWS machine image setup I use the directions [here](https://jagg19.github.io/2019/08/aws-r/#short-easy) to create an AMI to run Rstudio on. The `Welcome.R` script in the [NIsim](https://github.com/simonvandekar/NIsim) package has code to setup this machine image with Dropbox access to the files. ## Setup simulations ```{r simconfig} #devtools::install_github('simonvandekar/pbj', ref='ftest') #devtools::install_github('simonvandekar/NIsim') ### LIBRARIES ### library(RNifti) library(parallel) library(splines) library(mmand) library(fslr) library(progress) library(abind) library(pbj) library(PDQutils) library(NIsim) ### LOAD IN DATA FROM DROPBOX ### dbimagedir = '~/Dropbox (VUMC)/pbj/data/abide/neuroimaging/cpac/alff_cropped' dbresimagedir = '~/Dropbox (VUMC)/pbj/data/abide/neuroimaging/cpac/alff_cropped_res' dbdatafile = '~/Dropbox (VUMC)/pbj/data/abide/demographic/n1035_phenotypic_20190509.rds' maskfile = '~/Dropbox (VUMC)/pbj/data/abide/neuroimaging/cpac/cropped_n1035_mask.nii.gz' # load in data and get directories dat = readRDS(dbdatafile) dat$imgname = paste(dat$file_id, 'alff.nii.gz', sep='_') dat$files = file.path(dbimagedir, dat$imgname) ### COMPUTING PARAMETERS ### computeConfig = list( # number of cores to use for computing ncores = 32 ) ### SIMULATION PARAMETERS ### simConfig = list( # use robust variance estimator? robust = TRUE, # what transformation to use. Only the first is used tranform = c('t', 'edgeworth', 'none'), # vector of sample sizes to simulate ns = c(200, 400, 800), # number of simulations to run nsim=500, # number of bootstraps nboot = 500, # number of permutations nperm = 0, # cluster forming thresholds cfts.s = c(0.1, 0.25, 0.4), cfts.p = c(0.01, 0.001), # radius for spheres of signal. rs=c(8), #### MODEL FORMULAS FOR SIMULATIONS #### formres = as.formula( paste0(" ~ dx_group + sex + func_mean_fd + ns(age_at_scan, df=10)" )), # need age_at_scan in both models for testing nonlinear functions form = as.formula(paste0(" ~ sex + func_mean_fd + age_at_scan + fake_covariate1 + scale(fake_covariate1^2) + scale(fake_covariate1^3)" )), formred = as.formula(paste0(" ~ sex + func_mean_fd + age_at_scan + fake_covariate1")), # weights for each subject. Can be a character vector W = c("func_mean_fd"), # where to put residuals resdir = dbresimagedir, # where to output results simdir = '~/temp', dat = dat, mask = maskfile, output = '~/Dropbox (VUMC)/pbj/pbj_ftest/covariance_sim_df2_polynomial_covariate.rdata' ) # use betas = 0 for global null # parameters = betas * sd(y)/sd(x). simConfig$betas = rep(0, length(simConfig$rs)) ``` ```{r simsetup} ### SETUP THE SIMULATION ANALYSIS ### # subsets dataset to all people who have the variables simConfig$dat = simConfig$dat[apply(!is.na(simConfig$dat[ ,c(all.vars(as.formula(simConfig$formres)), simConfig$W)]), 1, all), ] # Create residualized images if(class(simConfig$formres)=='formula' | is.character(simConfig$formres)){ simConfig$dat$rfiles = file.path(simConfig$resdir, basename(simConfig$dat$files)) if(!all(file.exists(simConfig$dat$rfiles))){ pbj::residualizeImages(files=simConfig$dat$files, dat=simConfig$dat, mask=simConfig$mask, form=simConfig$formres, outfiles=simConfig$dat$rfiles, mc.cores=computeConfig$ncores) } simConfig$dat$files = simConfig$dat$rfiles # clean up. May not be necessary gc() } simdirs = simSetup(simConfig$dat$files, data=simConfig$dat, outdir=simConfig$simdir, nsim=simConfig$nsim, ns=simConfig$ns, mask=simConfig$mask, rs=simConfig$rs, betas=simConfig$betas ) ``` ```{r runSims, message=FALSE} # simfunc should contain a data argument, which is defined within runSim # Other arguments are identical across simulation runs. simFunc = function(lmfull, lmred, mask, data, nboot, cfts){ data$fake_group = factor(ceiling(ppoints(nrow(data))*3 ) ) data$fake_covariate1 = rnorm(nrow(data)) data$fake_covariate2 = rnorm(nrow(data)) statmap = lmPBJ(data$images, form=lmfull, formred=lmred, mask=mask, data=data, transform = 't') #k = mmand::shapeKernel(3, 3, type='box') #stat = lapply(cfts, function(th) max(c(table(c(mmand::components(stat.statMap(statmap) >th^2*statmap$rdf + statmap$df, k))),0), na.rm=TRUE) ) #pbj = pbjSEI(statmap, nboot = nboot, cfts.s = cfts) #pbj = lapply(pbj[grep('cft', names(pbj))], function(x) x[['boots']]) return(list(estimates=statmap$normedcoef, covestimator=statmap$sqrtSigma)) } #debug(lmPBJ) #test = simFunc(simConfig$form, simConfig$formred, simConfig$mask, readRDS(file.path(simdirs$simdir[101], 'data.rds')), simConfig$nboot, simConfig$cfts.s) results = runSim(simdirs$simdir, method='synthetic', simfunc = simFunc, mask = simConfig$mask, simfuncArgs = list( lmfull= simConfig$form, lmred = simConfig$formred, mask = simConfig$mask, nboot=simConfig$nboot, cfts=simConfig$cfts.s), ncores = computeConfig$ncores) dir.create(dirname(simConfig$output), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE) # clean up files save.image(file=simConfig$output) #Sys.sleep(5*60) #unlink(list.files(tempdir(), full.names = TRUE)) #gc() #unlink(simdirs) #system('sudo shutdown -h now') # summarize the results # apply(rowMeans(simplify2array(x[!is.na(x)]), dims = 2), 2, quantile) ``` ```{r, message=FALSE, eval=FALSE} resultsFixedX = runSim(rep(simdirs$simdir[seq(1, nrow(simdirs), by=simConfig$nsim)], each=simConfig$nsim), method='synthetic', simfunc = simFunc, mask = simConfig$mask, simfuncArgs = list( lmfull= simConfig$form, lmred = simConfig$formred, mask = simConfig$mask), ncores = computeConfig$ncores) ``` ## Compare covariance estimator to simulations estimator ```{r, eval=FALSE} colMeans(do.call(rbind, lapply(results, function(x) c(crossprod(x$covestimator[1,,], x$covestimator[2,,]))))) cov(do.call(rbind, lapply(results, function(x) c(x$estimates)))) ``` ```{r, eval=FALSE} load('~/Dropbox (VUMC)/pbj/pbj_ftest/synthsim_transform_images.rdata') simdirs$results = resultsFixedX# lapply(results, simplify2array) x =simdirs[simdirs$n==100,] simdirs$results[ !sapply(simdirs$results, is.numeric) ] = NA #simdirs$results = lapply(simdirs$results, function(x){ x[,'edgeworth'] = ifelse(is.infinite(x[,'edgeworth']), x[, 't'], x[,'edgeworth']); x}) by(simdirs, simdirs$n, function(x) sum(!is.na(x$results))) by(simdirs, simdirs$n, function(x) apply(rowMeans(simplify2array(x$results[!is.na(x$results)]), dims = 2), 2, function(x) quantile(x))) by(simdirs, simdirs$n, function(x) apply(apply(simplify2array(x$results[!is.na(x$results)]), 1:2, var ), 2, function(x) quantile(x)) ) by(simdirs, simdirs$n, function(x) apply(apply(simplify2array(x$results[!is.na(x$results)]), 1:2, function(y) var(y) ), 2, function(x) x) ) by(simdirs, simdirs$n, function(x) apply(apply(simplify2array(x$results[!is.na(x$results)]), 1:2, function(y) sd(y)/sqrt(length(y)) ), 2, function(x) x) ) ``` ```{r, eval=FALSE} simConfig$dat$images = simConfig$dat$files test2 = simFuncCoefs(lmfull= simConfig$form, lmred = simConfig$formred, mask = simConfig$mask, data=simConfig$dat[1:50,]) results = runSim(simdirs$simdir, method='synthetic', simfunc = simFuncCoefs, mask = simConfig$mask, simfuncArgs = list( lmfull= simConfig$form, lmred = simConfig$formred, mask = simConfig$mask), ncores = computeConfig$ncores) ``` ```{r, eval=TRUE} # plotting function for below sections plots = function(rdata){ load(rdata) simdirs$results = results# lapply(results, simplify2array) x =simdirs[simdirs$n==100,] simdirs[, paste0('obsMaxClust_cft.s', simConfig$cfts.s)] = do.call(rbind, by(simdirs, simdirs$n, function(x) do.call(rbind, lapply(x$results, function(y) unlist(y[['obs']]) ) ) )) cex=1.5 par(mgp=c(1.7,.7,0), lwd=1.5, lend=2, cex.lab=0.8*cex, cex.axis=0.8*cex, cex.main=1*cex, mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(2.8,2.8,1.8,.2), bty='l') layout(mat=matrix(1:(length(simConfig$cfts.s)*length(simConfig$ns)), nrow=length(simConfig$cfts.s)) ) # axes are based on tail quantiles probs = seq(0.75, 1, length.out=100) #length.out=pmin(simConfig$nsim, simConfig$nboot) trash = by(simdirs, simdirs$n, function(df){ for(cftInd in 1:length(simConfig$cfts.s)){ ylims = range(sapply(df$results, function(x) range(quantile(x$boot[[cftInd]][[1]], probs=probs)))) colname = paste0('obsMaxClust_cft.s', simConfig$cfts.s[cftInd]) x = df[,colname] xlims = range(quantile(x, probs=probs) ) xaxlab = c(0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999) xaxt = quantile(x, probs=xaxlab) plot(x, ylim=ylims, xlim=xlims, type='n', xlab='Observed cluster quantile', ylab='Estimated cluster quantile', main=paste('n =', df$n[1], 'cft =', simConfig$cfts.s[cftInd])) #axis(side=1, at=xaxt, labels=xaxlab) abline(v=xaxt, col='orange', lty=2) for(ind in 1:simConfig$nsim){ points(quantile(x, probs=probs), quantile(df$results[[ind]]$boot[[cftInd]][[1]], probs=probs), type='l') } abline(a=0,b=1, col='blue') } }) trash = by(simdirs, simdirs$n, function(df){ for(cftInd in 1:length(simConfig$cfts.s)){ ylims = range(sapply(df$results, function(x) range(quantile(x$boot[[cftInd]][[1]], probs=probs)))) colname = paste0('obsMaxClust_cft.s', simConfig$cfts.s[cftInd]) x = df[,colname] xlims = range(quantile(x, probs=probs) ) xaxlab = c(0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999) xaxt = quantile(x, probs=xaxlab) y=colMeans(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nrow(df), function(ind) quantile(df$results[[ind]]$boot[[cftInd]][[1]], probs=xaxlab)<df[ind,colname])) ) plot(1-xaxlab, y, type='b', xlab='Target type 1 error', ylab='Actual type 1 error', xlim=range(c(y, 1-xaxlab)), ylim=range(c(y, 1-xaxlab)), , main=paste('n =', df$n[1], 'cft =', simConfig$cfts.s[cftInd])) abline(a=0,b=1, col='blue') } }) } ``` ## Group covariate ```{r, eval=TRUE} plots('~/Dropbox (VUMC)/pbj/pbj_ftest/df2_group_covariate.rdata') ``` ## Independent continuous covariates ```{r, eval=TRUE} plots('~/Dropbox (VUMC)/pbj/pbj_ftest/df2_independent_covariates.rdata') ``` ## Polynomial continuous covariate Testing the second and third degree terms of a polynomial covariate. ```{r, eval=TRUE} plots('~/Dropbox (VUMC)/pbj/pbj_ftest/df2_polynomial_covariate.rdata') ```
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