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This R package implements a web-based graphical user interface (GUI) for the PBJ R package by Simon Vandekar.

Overall Design

The PBJ GUI application is not based on Shiny, but on the underlying web server technology provided by httpuv. As such, the PBJ GUI application is setup like a traditional web application, where there are two parts: the server code (in R) and the browser code (in HTML and JavaScript).

Server Design

The httpuv web server accepts an R object with a call function. This object can be a list with a named call element that is a function, or it can be a reference class object. The PBJ GUI application uses reference classes (more detail later).

The call function for a httpuv application accepts a 'request' argument, which contains all of the information about the web request coming in from a client. This web request information includes things like URL, browser software information, and other details. After using the 'request' object to decide what do to, the call function must return a 'response' object, which is an R list with three elements: 'status', 'headers', and 'body'. The 'status' element should contain an integer that represents the success or failure of the response. For a successful response, the status is 200. The 'headers' element is another list, the names of which are HTTP header names (such as 'Content-Type'). The 'body' element is the actual content of the response, which could be an HTML page, JavaScript code, CSS document, or JSON data. For more information about how httpuv applications work, see the httpuv documentation.

The core of the PBJ GUI web application can be found in the App reference class. In order to run the PBJ GUI web application, a user can call the runPBJ R function, which creates an instance of the App reference class and starts the httpuv web server. Creating an App object also generates a security token, which must be used to access the web application. A user would then visit a URL that looks something like this: http://localhost:37212/?token=abcdef1234567890abcdef12.


The App reference class is responsible for handling HTTP requests and returning responses (see the ReferenceClasses help page in R or read this primer). The main workhorse is the call method. The call method decides what response to generate based on the URL of the request.

The first requests received when a user starts using the application will be the static content, including the main HTML page, the JavaScript code, the CSS document for styling the HTML elements, and any static images (like the PBJ logo). Static content is located in the inst/webroot folder of the PBJ GUI package. This folder contains all of the frontend application code and static images.

After the static content is loaded, further requests will be made to the web application from the user's web browser, such as setting up a PBJ study, model, statmap, and inference. Each of these requests is handled by an R method inside the App reference class. When one of these requests comes in, the call method decides which other method to call by matching the request URL to a series of routes. Each route is a list of three elements: 'method', 'path', and 'handler'. The 'method' element refers to the HTTP request method, which primarily will be 'GET' or 'POST'. A 'GET' request is typically used for responses that don't require complicated user input to perform. A 'POST' request is typically used when the user needs to send information to the server that is needed to perform an action. The 'path' element of a route is a pattern that is matched against the portion of the URL after the host name. For example, in 'https://localhost:37212/foo/bar', the path is '/foo/bar'. The 'handler' element is a function that is called if the route is a match.

Here is a list of routes used by the PBJ GUI application:

routes <<- list(
  list(method = "GET", path = "^/api/fileRoot$", handler = .self$getFileRoot),
  list(method = "GET", path = "^/api/study$", handler = .self$getStudy),
  list(method = "GET", path = "^/api/saveStudy$", handler = .self$saveStudy),
  list(method = "POST", path = "^/api/browse$", handler = .self$browse),
  list(method = "POST", path = "^/api/createFolder", handler = .self$createFolder),
  list(method = "POST", path = "^/api/checkDataset$", handler = .self$checkDataset),
  list(method = "POST", path = "^/api/createStudy$", handler = .self$createStudy),
  list(method = "GET", path = "^/api/studyImage/", handler = .self$getStudyImage),
  list(method = "GET", path = "^/api/hist$", handler = .self$plotHist),
  list(method = "POST", path = "^/api/createStatMap$", handler = .self$createStatMap),
  list(method = "GET", path = "^/api/statMap$", handler = .self$getStatMap),
  list(method = "POST", path = "^/api/createInference$", handler = .self$createInference),
  list(method = "GET", path = "^/api/inference$", handler = .self$getInference)

Each of these handler functions returns a valid httpuv response list by using the following helpers: makeJSONResponse, makeFileResponse, makeAttachmentResponse, makeImageResponse, makeErrorResponse, makeTextResponse, and makeHTMLResponse.

Apart from the request handlers and the response helpers, there are additional methods in the App reference class for performing various tasks.


Apart from the App reference class, there are a few other reference classes that represent the current state of the PBJ GUI. The first one is PBJStudy. This reference class is designed to be logically separate from any HTTP requests encapsulated in App. The methods in PBJStudy are only related to the PBJ study setup as a whole.


Similarly the PBJModel reference class is designed to encapsulate the interaction between the PBJ GUI and the PBJ function lmPBJ.


The PBJStatMap reference class is designed to wrap the statmap object created from lmPBJ and provide helper functions.


The PBJResample reference class is designed to encapsulate the interaction between the PBJ GUI and the PBJ function pbjInference.


The PBJInference reference class is designed to wrap the inference object created from pbjInference and provide helper functions.


The Job reference class is designed to run a function asynchronously by using the callr package.

Frontend Design

The frontend is designed to interact with the backend/server via JSON requests. This design is known as a Single-page application. The frontend interface is split into two main parts: index.html and pbj.js. All of the static markup is located in index.html, and all of the dynamic interactions are setup in pbj.js. Both of these files are located in the inst/webroot directory. The main layout depends on Bootstrap v4.6. All of the PBJ GUI JavaScript components communicate with each other using JavaScript events via the EventTarget interface.


When a user visits the PBJ GUI page, the following code runs:

let windowUrl = new URL(window.location.href);
let token = windowUrl.searchParams.get("token");

let api = new pbj.API(token);
let app = new pbj.AppComponent(document.querySelector('#app'), api);

This extracts the security token from the URL for further requests, and then creates the two top-level objects: API and AppComponent.


The top level JavaScript object for the frontend is AppComponent, which manages two child objects: WelcomeComponent and MainComponent. On startup, AppComponent makes the API getStudy call to find out if the PBJ study has been created yet. If so, MainComponent is shown. If not, WelcomeComponent is shown.


The job of WelcomeComponent is to help the user setup a PBJ study. The user has to specify a dataset (CSV or RDS file), a mask (NIFTI file), a template (NIFTI file), and an output directory. WelcomeComponent has some sub-components in order to help do this: BrowseComponent and CheckDatasetComponent.

The BrowseComponent is a file browser/picker dialog to let the user choose files/directories. It uses the API call browse for this purpose. Users can also create new folders. Folder creation happens via an emitted event and the createFolder API call.

The CheckDatasetComponent is a dialog for picking a dataset column that has NIFTI files. It uses the checkDataset API call and emits an event when completed.

When the user has setup the study, the WelcomeComponent makes the createStudy API call and emits a studyCreated event to notify AppComponent, which will then hide WelcomeComponent and show MainComponent.


This component contains the primary functionality of the frontend interface. It sets up the following children components: StudyComponent, StudyVisualizeComponent, ModelComponent, ModelVisualizeComponent, StatMapComponent, StatMapVisualizeComponent, InferenceComponent, and InferenceVisualizeComponent. There is a tab-based display for study, model, statmap, and inference, and analagous 'visualize' component for each tab.


This component and its sister component StudyVisualizeComponent are responsible for displaying study data from the NIFTI files specified in the dataset during the study setup phase. The Papaya library is used to display NIFTI images via the web browser. Papaya doesn't seem to be under active development anymore, but there's a fork of it in the statimagcoll organization on GitHub that fixes a couple of bugs.


This component is responsible for helping the user setup a lmPBJ function call. It includes a form for specifying formulae and other options that ultimately get passed to lmPBJ by the backend server. The sister component ModelVisualizeComponent has a way to explore data that could be used in formulae. There are some rudimentary features there that could be heavily expanded on.

When the model form is completed and submitted, ModelComponent makes a createStatMap API call, which starts a separate R job to run lmPBJ. Every three seconds, the component makes a getStatMap API call to check on the job progress. When the job is finished, it emits a statMapCreated event that gets handled by MainComponent, which will then enable the StatMapComponent.


This component and its sister component StatMapVisualizeComponent are responsible for exploring the results of lmPBJ. Additionally, StatMapComponent includes a form for specifying arguments that ultimately get passed to pbjInference on the backend server.

When the inference form is completed and submitted, StatMapComponent makes a createInference API call to start a separate R job to run pbjInference. Every three seconds, the component makes a getInference API call to check the status of the job. Once the job is complete, the component emits a inferenceCreated event that gets handled by MainComponent, which will then enable InferenceComponent.


This component and its sister component InferenceVisualizeComponent will be responsible for visualizing the results of pbjInference. Currently these are just placeholders until the visualizations are developed by the statimagcoll team.


There are some unit tests for both the backend and frontend parts of the application. These tests are incomplete and somewhat out of date, but the framework is in place to add more tests and fix existing tests. The backend tests use RUnit, and the frontend tests use in-browser testing with Mocha. Tests are located in the inst/tests folder.

Known Bugs

  • Variables listed in formulae are not validated to make sure they exist in dataset. This can result in failed statmap creation.
  • Factor-based variables are not displayed in the ModelVisualizeComponent


HTTP-based GUI for the pbj R package






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