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These scripts are designed for processing and analysis of fluorescence images of live HEK293 cells, heterologously expressing soluble mCherry and YFP(H148Q/I152L)-CFTR channels.

Here we provide information on how to use the MATLAB code for the image analysis described in “High-content assay for precision medicine discovery in cystic fibrosis” (Prins et al., 2019). The instructions will allow you to download a set of images, get a copy of the script and run the analysis to obtain information on CFTR membrane density, and CFTR ion channel function.

Getting started

Install MATLAB

Install MATLAB R2017b (

the Image Processing Toolbox

the Optimization Toolbox

Download the scripts and data

Go to, and download the ZIP folder called CFTRimg-master. Unpack the folder, place it on the Desktop and rename it CFTRimg.

The folder should contain three folders: CFTRimg, Data and Input Files

  • The CFTRimg folder contains the scripts and functions that are used to analyse the data
  • The Data folder contains sets of example images, suitable for the localisation analysis (local folder), the I- first quenching analysis (quench_Ifirst folder) and the I- last quenching analysis (quench_Ilast folder)
  • The Input Files folder contains the scripts that provide image specifications

Before starting the image analysis

  • Open MATLAB and add the CFTRimg folder and its subfolders to the MATLAB path.

CFTR membrane density

You can find the example data in CFTRimg>Data>example_data_local. The CFTRimg_Local.m script will use the functions in CFTRimg>CFTRimg>functions Local to segment and analyse images as described in Prins et al., (2019). In short, images of cytosolic mCherry are used for identification of single cells using thresholding and a watershed-based segmentation. After background correction, the YFP and mCherry fluorescence intensity of each cell is normalized to the median YFP and mCherry fluorescence intensities in WT-CFTR expressing cells. A band within the border of each cell is defined as the membrane zone, and CFTR membrane density is estimated by dividing the average normalized YFP fluorescence intensity within the membrane zone by the average normalized mCherry fluorescence over the entire cell.

The example_input_local.m file (in Input Files), is customized by the experimenter and contains image specifications necessary for the analysis (for example pixel binning, number of images taken per well, microscope objective and normalisation conditions). Furthermore, it allows the filenames of the images to be matched to the experimental conditions used.

The localisation analysis:

  • Open CFTRimg_Local.m located in the CFTRimg folder and run the script (choose Add to path if you have not already added this folder to the path).
  • A window will pop up asking you whether you want to save cropped images of segmented cells after the image analysis. Choose either Yes or No.
  • Folders to save the results in will be created in the main folder. The workspace and excel files with the results will be saved in CFTRimg>Results>ResultsLocal.


The analysis results can be found on the Desktop in CFTRimg>Results>ResultsLocal

The workspace

The workspace resulting from running CFTRimg_Local.m contains the structures plate and resultsLocal, containing the analysis results. The structure called plate contains the results per plate, per image. To access the fields with information about plate n, type plate(n) in the command window.

>> plate(1)

>   plateStr: 'Plate_15771'
>   experimentStr: 'Experiment 1'
>   normConditionStr: 'WT 28°C'
>   image: [48×1 struct]

Plate(n) contains a structure called image that can be accessed to view the fields with information about each image. To access the information about image m on plate n, type plate(n).image(m) in the command window.

>> plate(1).image(1)

>   conditionStr: 'WT 28°C'
>   redPath: 'C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\CFTRimg\Data\example_data_local\TimePoint_1\local_C02_s1_w2.TIF'
>   yelPath: 'C:\Users\ USERNAME \Desktop\CFTRimg\Data\example_data_local\TimePoint_1\local_C02_s1_w1.TIF'
>   binning: 0.5000
>   boundingBox: [36×4 double]
>   cellLocation: {36×4 cell}
>   redEntire: [36×1 double]
>   redOutside: [36×1 double]
>   yelEntire: [36×1 double]
>   yelOutside: [36×1 double]
>   yelMembrane: [36×1 double]
>   yelMembraneAbsolute: [36×1 double]
>   yelEntireAbsolute: [36×1 double]
>   redEntireAbsolute: [36×1 double]
>   redBackground: 0.0147
>   yelBackground: 0.0187
>   cellN: [37 36]
>   yelMembraneNeg: 1
>   yelEntireNeg: 1
>   redEntireNeg: 0
>   deleteNeg: 1
>   objective: 60

To access the fields with information about condition number n, type resultsLocal(n) in the command window.

>> resultsLocal(1)

>   condition: 'F508del + 10 µM VX-809 28°C'
>   normCondition: 'WT 28°C'
>   cellLocation: {528×4 cell}
>   yelMembrane: [528×1 double]
>   yelEntire: [528×1 double]
>   redEntire: [528×1 double]
>   yelMembraneNorm: [528×1 double]
>   yelEntireNorm: [528×1 double]
>   redEntireNorm: [528×1 double]
>   yelMembraneAbsolute: [528×1 double]
>   yelEntireAbsolute: [528×1 double]
>   redEntireAbsolute: [528×1 double]
>   memDens: [528×1 double]
>   logMemDens: [528×1 double]
>   localCellN: 528
>   yelMembraneNeg: 8
>   yelEntireNeg: 8
>   redEntireNeg: 0
>   deleteNeg: 8

Generated excel files

In addition to saving the workspace, running CFTRimg_Local.m results in the generation of three excel files that are saved in Results>ResultsLocal. The tables with field/header descriptions below, can be used to describe the headers in the excel files.

  • fullLocalResult_yyyy_mm_dd_HHMM.xlsx For each cell the rows in the excel sheet contain the following information: experimentStr, plateIdx, condition, normCondition, yelMembrane, yelEntire, redEntire, yelMembraneNorm, yelEntireNorm, redEntireNorm, memDens and logMemDens

  • LocalTable_yyyy_mm_dd_HHMM.xlsx Per plate, per condition, this excel sheet lists: experimentStr, condition, meanLogMemDens, meanRedEntireNorm and meanRedEntire

  • LocalSummary_yyyy_mm_dd_HHMM.xlsx The mean log10ρ on each plate is determined per condition and forms the subsample mean. For every condition, this excel sheet lists: condition, N, mean meanLogMemDens, lower CI, upper CI, cellN, deleteNeg, redEntireNeg, yelEntireNeg and yelMembraneNeg

Cell images

If you have chosen to save cropped images of segmented cells after the image analysis, images will appear in Results>ResultsLocal>CellImages. The white lines in the images denote the cell segmentation boundary and the ρ is stamped on each image. Descriptions of the fields in structures of the workspace and in the headers of the excel files are listed in the table below.

field / header descriptions in workspace and excel files

field / header Description
plateStr Plate label as specified in the example_input_local.m file
experimentStr Experiment label as specified in the example_input_local.m file
condition Label of the experimental conditions as specified in the example_input_local.m file
normCondition Label of the condition used for normalisation (in this case “WT 28°C”), as specified in the example_input_local.m file
redPath Filepaths for mCherry images
yelPath Filepaths for YFP images
binning With n×n pixel binning, this field is set to 1/n (in the example_input_local.m file 2×2 binning is used so this field is set to 1/2)
objective 60 for 60× objective power
redEntire The average background corrected mCherry fluorescence intensity inside the cell selection
redOutside The average background corrected mCherry fluorescence intensity outside the cell selection and within the boundingBox
yelEntire The average background corrected YFP fluorescence intensity inside the cell selection
yelOutside The average background corrected YFP fluorescence intensity outside the cell selection and within the boundingBox
yelMembrane The average background corrected YFP fluorescence intensity in the membrane zone
yelMembraneAbsolute The average YFP fluorescence intensity in the membrane zone
yelEntireAbsolute The average YFP fluorescence intensity inside the cell selection
redEntireAbsolute The average mCherry fluorescence intensity inside the cell selection
redBackground The average mCherry background fluorescence intensity
yelBackground The average YFP background fluorescence intensity
cellN Group size of segmented cells ([before selection] [after selection])
yelMembraneNeg Number of cells with a negative average YFP fluorescence intensity in the membrane zone after background correction
yelEntireNeg Number of cells with a negative average YFP fluorescence intensity inside the cell selection after background correction
redEntireNeg Number of cells with a negative average mCherry fluorescence intensity inside the cell selection after background correction
deleteNeg Number of cells deleted because of negative average YFP and / or mCherry fluorescence intensity after correction for background
boundingBox Pixel indices of boxes around selected cells
cellLocation Column 1: plateStr
Column 2: plate number (n)
Column 3: image number (m)
Column 4: cell number
yelMembraneNorm The average background corrected YFP fluorescence intensity in the membrane zone, normalized to the median YFP fluorescence intensities in WT-CFTR expressing cells on the same plate
yelEntireNorm The average background corrected YFP fluorescence intensity in the entire cell, normalized to the median YFP fluorescence intensities in WT-CFTR expressing cells on the same plate
redEntireNorm The average background corrected mCherry fluorescence intensity in the entire cell, normalized to the median mCherry fluorescence intensities in WT-CFTR expressing cells on the same plate
memDens CFTR membrane density (ρ) defined by yelMembraneNorm/redEntireNorm
logMemDens The common logarithm of CFTR membrane density (log10ρ) defined by log10(memDens)

header Description
plateIdx plate number (n)
meanLogMemDens mean logMemDens
meanRedEntireNorm mean redEntireNorm
meanRedEntire mean redEntire
N number of subsample log10ρ means
mean meanLogMemDens Mean of the subsample log10ρ means
lower CI lower limit of the 95% confidence interval of log10ρ (can only be calculated if N>1)
upper CI upper limit of the 95% confidence interval of log10ρ (can only be calculated if N>1)

CFTR Function

For assessment of CFTR function, two different protocols were used; the I- first protocol (Langron et al., 2017) and the I- last protocol (Langron et al., 2018). You can find example data collected with the I- first protocol in CFTRimg>Data>quench_Ifirst and example data collected with the I- last protocol in CFTRimg>Data>quench_Ilast.

For both protocols, cells were selected based on the mCherry fluorescence by means of thresholding. The YFP fluorescence in the cell selection is corrected for background and the average YFP fluorescence intensity is normalised to the time point before I- addition. For the images collected with the I- first protocol, the maximal influx of I- after the addition of Forskolin (test) or DMSO (control) is determined together with the time point at which I- influx is highest. For the I- last protocol, quenching traces are fit to a mathematical model (as described in Langron et al., 2018), to estimate CFTR conductance (GCFTR).

As for the localisation analysis, the input files example_input_quench_Ifirst.m and example_input_quench_Ilast.m, are customized by the experimenter and provide specifications necessary for image analysis (for example sampling frequency, timepoints of fluid addition and normalisation conditions). These input files also allow the filenames of the images to be matched to the experimental conditions used.

The I- first quenching analysis:

  • Open CFTRimg_Quench_Ifirst.m in CFTRimg and run the script
  • The resulting workspace (quench_Ifirst_yyyy_mm_dd_HHMM.mat) and an excel file with the results (fullQuenchTimeline_yyyy_mm_dd_HHMM.xlsx) will be saved in Results>ResultsQuench>Ifirst.

The I- last quenching analysis:

  • Open CFTRimg_Quench_Ilast.m in CFTRimg and run the script
  • The resulting workspace (quench_Ilast_yyyy_mm_dd_HHMM.mat) and excel files with the results (fullQuenchTimeline_yyyy_mm_dd_HHMM.xlsx and fullQuenchFitting_yyyy_mm_dd_HHMM.xlsx) will be saved in Results>ResultsQuench>Ilast.


The analysis results can be found on the Desktop in CFTRimg>Results>ResultsQuench

The workspace

Both types of quenching analysis, the I- first as well as the I- last image analysis, result in a workspace that contains the structure called plate.

The structure plate contains the analysis results per plate, per well. To access the fields with information about plate n, type plate(n) in the command window.

>> plate(1)

>   plateStr: '04-12-17 Plate_15771'
>   experimentStr: '04-12-17'
>   normCondition: 'WT + VX-770 28°C'
>   well: [23×1 struct]

To access the fields with information about well m on plate n, type plate(n).well(m) in the command window.

>> plate(1).well(1)

>   condition: 'WT + VX-770 28°C'
>   test_control: 'test'
>   redPath: {1×2 cell}
>   yelPath: {1×70 cell}
>   timeline: [5 26 70]
>   timeStep: 2
>   yelInsideOverT: [70×1 double]
>   redInsideNorm: 0.8079
>   redInside: 0.0381
>   redMaskChange: 0.2063
>   maxGrad: 0.1332
>   maxGradLoc: 38

Generated excel files

Running the quenching analysis generates and saves an excel files in CFTRimg>Results>ResultsQuench>Ifirst for the I- first quenching analysis, and two excel files in Results>ResultsQuench>Ilast for the I- last quenching analysis.

  • fullQuenchTimeline_yyyy_mm_dd_HHMM.xlsx This sheet contains the normalised fluorescence intensity over time (TimePoint_1, TimePoint_2, TimePoint_3, … TimePoint_70) for each well. For each well it also contains the experimentStr, plateStr, condition, test_control, redInside, redInsideNorm.

  • fullQuenchFitting_yyyy_mm_dd_HHMM.xlsx This file is only saved for the I- last quenching analysis. The file contains the fitting results (TimePoint_1, TimePoint_2, TimePoint_3, … TimePoint_70) for each well. For each well it also contains the experimentStr, plateStr, condition, test_control, redInside, redInsideNorm.

field / header descriptions in workspace and excel files

Field Description
plateStr Experiment label as specified in the example_input_local.m file
experimentStr Label of the experimental conditions as specified in the example_input_local.m file
normCondition Label of the condition used for normalisation as specified in the example_input_local.m file
test_control Addition of forskolin (test conditions) or DMSO (control conditions)
timeline [6 26 70] [timepoint after first fluid addition; timepoint after second fluid addition; last timepoint]
timeStep Time interval (in seconds) between successive images (2 seconds in this study)
yelInsideOverT Normalised fluorescence intensity over time
redInside The average background corrected mCherry fluorescence intensity inside the cell selection
redMaskChange The proportion of area in the cell selection that has no overlap between the first and last mCherry image.
maxGrad The maximal I- influx rate after after the addition of forskolin or DMSO.
maxGradLoc The timepoint at which the I- influx rate is maximal

Header Description
label condition_FSK/DMSO_Platestr
FSK/DMSO Specifies whether there was addition of forskolin (FSK, test conditions) or DMSO (control conditions)
y_0: normalised fluorescence intensity 0 seconds after the addition of I-
y_3: normalised fluorescence intensity 3 seconds after the addition of I-
y_5: normalised fluorescence intensity 5 seconds after the addition of I-
y_5: normalised fluorescence intensity 5 seconds after the addition of I-
y_39: normalised fluorescence intensity 39 seconds after the addition of I-
error ratio (free/fixed) Error_free / Error_fixed
G_free Estimated steady-state CFTR conductance (model with four free parameters)
G_free_norm G_free / redInsideNorm
Vm_free Estimated membrane potential at time of I- addition (model with four free parameters)
G_trans_free Estimated transient endogenous anion conductance (model with four free parameters)
TAU_trans_free Estimated exponential decay time constant for transient endogenous anion conductance (model with four free parameters)
Error_free The sum of squared residuals between the measured and predicted normalised fluorescence (model with four free parameters)

Using the model with four free parameters:
y_0: predicted normalised fluorescence intensity 0 seconds after the addition of I-
y_3: predicted normalised fluorescence intensity 3 seconds after the addition of I-
y_5: predicted normalised fluorescence intensity 5 seconds after the addition of I-
y_39: predicted normalised fluorescence intensity 39 seconds after the addition of I-
G_fixed Estimated steady-state CFTR conductance (model with two free parameters)
G_fixed_norm G_fixed / redInsideNorm
Vm_fixed Estimated membrane potential at time of I- addition (model with two free parameters)
G_trans_fixed Transient endogenous anion conductance fixed to average value measured for DMSO controls
TAU_trans_fixed Exponential decay time constant for transient endogenous anion conductance fixed to average value measured for DMSO controls
Error_fixed The sum of squared residuals between the measured and predicted normalised fluorescence (model with two free parameters)

Using the model with two free parameters:
y_0: predicted normalised fluorescence intensity 0 seconds after the addition of I-
y_3: predicted normalised fluorescence intensity 3 seconds after the addition of I-
y_5: predicted normalised fluorescence intensity 5 seconds after the addition of I-
y_39: predicted normalised fluorescence intensity 39 seconds after the addition of I-


Prins, S., Langron, E., Hastings, C., Hill, E., Stefan, A.C., Griffin, L.D., Vergani, P., (2019). High-content assay for precision medicine discovery in cystic fibrosis. bioRxiv 631614; doi:

Langron, E, Simone, MI, Delalande, CMS, Reymond, JL, Selwood, DL, Vergani, P (2017). Improved fluorescence assays to measure the defects associated with F508del-CFTR allow identification of new active compounds. Br J Pharmacol 174: 525– 539.

Langron E, Prins S, Vergani P (2018). Potentiation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator by VX-770 involves stabilization of the pre-hydrolytic O1 state. Br J Pharmacol 175: 3990–4002


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