$ whoami
@stevejb - "Stephen J. Barr"
Chief Evangelist - CloudFix
Method | Contact |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephenjbarr/ | |
YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/@awsmadeeasy |
X | @stevejb |
Company | cloudfix.com |
- Right now I am going to do the best I can. Please ignore the wincing and keep me on track if I drift.
- Weird Al’s 1986 classic “Living with a Hernia” is medically accurate.
- https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2243349167 AWS Twitch with Darko and Rohini
- https://github.com/stephenVertex/build-on-sbct AI assistant in Python
- https://github.com/stephenVertex/amplify-sbct-demo Backend in Amplify - not much here
- LLMs
- ChatGPT, Claude, Llama
- Running these models
/ Ollama for running models- ChatGPT
- Claude
- Bedrock!
- LLMs
- Bedrock
- Claude
- Tool usage
- Bedrock Agents + Lambda functions
- Claude Tools
- More generally, Converse API tools
- I want to have an EA - can’t afford one
- I want to make sure that my calendar and tasks are up to date and managed
- My personal productivity stack is ClickUp. It is similar to Asana, but very automatable.
- It’s nice when things have an API
- Everything has an API now.
- Instead of some proprietary tool, let’s use Amplify
- Very simple data model
- https://github.com/stephenVertex/amplify-sbct-demo
- Amplify yields a GraphQL Schema, Endpoint, and API Key
- Go to AWS AppSync and download the schema.json or schema.graphql
- Start with the default app https://docs.amplify.aws/react/start/quickstart/
- Start with the Github repo https://github.com/new?template_name=amplify-vite-react-template&template_owner=aws-samples&name=amplify-vite-react-template&description=My%20Amplify%20Gen%202%20starter%20application
const schema = a.schema({
Todo: a
content: a.string(),
.authorization((allow) => [allow.publicApiKey()]),
OKR: a.model({
title: a.string(),
description: a.string(),
.authorization((allow) => [allow.publicApiKey()]),
Task: a
name: a.string(),
description: a.string(),
estimated_time_mins: a.integer(), // Fields are optional by default, but you can make them required
priority: a.integer(), // Lets assume 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest
tags: a.string().array(), // This is the proper syntax for making a field into an array,
scheduled_date_utc: a.integer(),
.authorization((allow) => [allow.publicApiKey()]),
- Go to AppSync, and get the URL and the API key
import { Amplify } from 'aws-amplify'; Amplify.configure({ API: { GraphQL: { endpoint: 'https://3wwasfc2lvhdhcq4e3vnw5lb4m.appsync-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/graphql', region: 'us-east-1', defaultAuthMode: 'apiKey', apiKey: 'da2-cndisyx74verlbpnhb2kfsq6mq' } } });
- Use the GraphQL endpoint that we downloaded earlier
- Let’s use Artifacts to make a frontend
- AWS Bedrock
- Converse
- Pydantic for object modeling
- How does the tool use work? https://claude.site/artifacts/1034abd2-12b2-4d75-b61f-e34c3e77f646
- Ask a question of Bedrock + Claude using Converse
- If we get text, print it.
- If we get a ToolUseBlock, then run the tool.
- Package the response and as a ToolResult, and send it back to the LLM
- User: “What time is it?”
- LLM: toolUseBlock { function = getCurrentTime, id=abc123 }
- User:
- My code: “oh we got a toolUseBlock, run it!”
- toolResult { result = ‘Oct 22nd, 6pm’, id=abc123 }
- LLM: “The time is Oct 22nd, 6pm”
function_io_map = {
"get_current_datetime": {
"input": NullModel,
"output": CurrentDateTime,
"description": "Returns the current date and time in the US Pacific Time Zone.",
"function": get_current_datetime
# ....
response = client.converse(
inferenceConfig={"maxTokens" : 4096 },
toolConfig={ "tools" : tools},
def process_tool_call(tool_name, tool_input):
if tool_name not in function_io_map:
raise ValueError(f"Unknown tool: {tool_name}")
func_info = function_io_map[tool_name]
input_model = func_info['input']
output_model = func_info['output']
function = func_info['function']
# Validate and create input object
validated_input = input_model(**tool_input)
except ValidationError as e:
return {"error": f"Invalid input: {str(e)}"}
result = function(validated_input)
return result
- Making a plan
- Planning based on tasks
- Combining multiple steps