This directory contains sources of demo apps based on Apache Camel with OpenTelemetry.
The environment is the following:
- Demo apps:
- Apache Kafka
- Jaeger
- OpenTelemetry Collector
- Prometheus
- Grafana
- FileBeat
- ElasticSearch
- Kibana
- Grafana, including:
- Preconfigured datasources for Jaeger, Prometheus and ElasticSearch
- Dashboard for Apache Camel apps
- Dashboard for Logs from ElasticSearch
- Dashboard for Jaeger
Clone docker-envs repo:
git clone
Go to root directory of the repo:
cd docker-envs
All the following docker-compose commands should be run from this directory.
You may want to remove any old containers to start clean:
docker rm -f kafka zookeeper prometheus grafana kibana elasticsearch jaeger otel-collector filebeat tripbooking carbooking flightbooking hotelbooking
We suggest using two terminal windows to start the following components:
- infrastructure components
- demo apps
docker-compose -f compose.yml -f kafka/compose.yml -f jaeger/compose.yml -f otel-collector/compose.yml -f prometheus/compose.yml -f grafana/compose.yml -f filebeat/compose.yml -f elasticsearch/compose.yml -f kibana/compose.yml up
docker-compose -f compose.yml -f demo-apps/compose-otel.yml up
Testing tools are following:
- Any HTTP client (web browser, curl, httpie, postman etc.)
- Apache JMeter for generation load
Sync communication (over HTTP):
Async communication (over Kafka):
You can find JMeter project by the link.