The current arozos is still under intense development. System structure might change at any time. Please only develop on the current existing ArOZ Gateway Interface (AGI) JavaScript Interface or standard HTML webapps with ao_module.js endpoints.
- Web Desktop Interface (Better than Synology DSM)
- Ubuntu remix Windows style startup menu and task bars
- Clean and easy to use File Manager (Support drag drop, upload etc)
- Simplistic System Setting Menu
- No-bull-shit module naming scheme
- FTP Server
- WebDAV Server
- UPnP Port Forwarding
- Samba (Supported via 3rd party sub-services)
- WiFi Management (Support wpa_supplicant for Rpi or nmcli for Armbian)
- Mount / Format Disk Utilities (support NTFS, EXT4 and more!)
- Virtual File System Architecture
- File Sharing (Similar to Google Drive)
- Basic File Operations with Real-time Progress (Copy / Cut / Paste / New File or Folder etc)
- Require as little as 512MB system memory and 8GB system storage
- Base on one of the most stable Linux distro - Debian
- Support for Desktop, Laptop (touchpad) and Mobile screen sizes
Require GO 1.14 or above (See Instllation tutorial)
Run the following the command to build the system
git clone
cd ./arozos/src/
go build
(Yes, it is that simple)
If you are using Raspberry Pi as your host, you can download one of the images and flash the image into your SD card. You will find a new network device named "ArozOS (ARxxx)" pop up in your "Network Neighbourhood". Double click the icon and you will be redirect to the system Web setup interface. If you cannot find the new device in your network, you can also connect to the ArozOS directly via http://{raspberry_pi_ip_address}:8080/
Version | Download | Mirror | Remarks |
arozos v1.111 (Stable) | | | IoT Hub Added |
arozos v1.110 (Stable) | | | |
arozos v1.109 | | | |
arozos v1.108 | | | WebDAV Support Added |
arozos v1.107 | | | Samba Supported Added |
arozos v1.106 | | | |
arozos v1.103 | | |
Yes, the download site is in Russia. No, I am not Russian, I use this site because they offer 80GB of storage for free All the image listed above require 8GB or above microSD card
To optain the .img file, you can unzip the compressed image using 7zip. If you don't have it, you can get it here
Download the correct architecture binary from the "release" tab and upload the binary with the "web" and "system" folder in "/src". After upload, you should have the following file structure
$ ls
arozos_linux_arm64 web system
Start the binary by calling sudo ./aroz_online_linux_arm64
(or without sudo if you prefer no hardware management)
If you are deploying on Windows, you need to add ffmpeg to %PATH% environment variable.
This system can be built and run on Windows hosts with the following build instructions
# Download the whole repo as zip and cd into it
cd .\arozos\src\
go build
However, not all features are available for Windows.
Thanks Saren for creating this amazing DockerFile
See his repo over here
The following startup parameters are supported (As of 1.110)
Allow RESTFUL login redirection that allow machines like billboards to login to the system on boot (default true)
Enable MDNS service. Allow device to be scanned by nearby ArOZ Hosts (default true)
Allow the system to install package using Advanced Package Tool (aka apt or apt-get) (default true)
Enable SSDP service, disable this if you do not want your device to be scanned by Windows's Network Neighborhood Page (default true)
Enable uPNP service, recommended for host under NAT router
Allow compatibility to ArOZ Online Beta Clusters
-cert string
TLS certificate file (.crt) (default "localhost.crt")
Enable the debugging console.
Run the system in demo mode. All directories and database are read only.
Enable directory listing (default true)
Disable IP resolving if the system is running under reverse proxy environment
Disable subservices completely
Redirect not logged in users to home page instead of login interface
Enable hardware management functions in system (default true)
-hostname string
Default name for this host (default "My ArOZ")
-iobuf int
Amount of buffer memory for IO operations (default 1024)
-key string
TLS key file (.key) (default "localhost.key")
-max_upload_size int
Maxmium upload size in MB. Must not exceed the available ram on your system (default 8192)
-ntt int
Nightly tasks execution time. Default 3 = 3 am in the morning (default 3)
-port int
Listening port (default 8080)
Enable public register interface for account creation
-root string
User root directories (default "./files/")
-session_key string
Session key, must be 16, 24 or 32 bytes long (AES-128, AES-192 or AES-256). Leave empty for auto generated.
-storage_config string
File location of the storage config file (default "./system/storage.json")
Enable TLS on HTTP serving
-tmp string
Temporary storage, can be access via tmp:/. A tmp/ folder will be created in this path. Recommend fast storage devices like SSD (default "./")
-tmp_time int
Time before tmp file will be deleted in seconds. Default 86400 seconds = 24 hours (default 86400)
Enable file upload buffering to run in async mode (Faster upload, require RAM >= 8GB)
-upload_buf int
Upload buffer memory in MB. Any file larger than this size will be buffered to disk (slower). (default 25)
-uuid string
System UUID for clustering and distributed computing. Only need to config once for first time startup. Leave empty for auto generation.
Show system build version
-wlan_interface_name string
The default wireless interface for connecting to an AP (default "wlan0")
-wpa_supplicant_config string
Path for the wpa_supplicant config (default "/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf")
//Starting aroz online with standard web port
./arozos -port 80
//Start aroz online in demo mode
./arozos -demo_mode=true
//Use https instead of http
./arozos -tls=true -key mykey.key -cert mycert.crt
//Change max upload size to 25MB
./arozos -max_upload_size 25
See documentation for more examples.
If you are deploying single machine, you can visit System Setting > Disk & Storage > Storage Pools and edit the "system" storage pool for setting up the global storage pools for all users in the system.
If you are deploying on multiple machines, you can take a look at the storage configuration file located in:
Rename the storage.json.example to storage.json and start arozos. The required virtual storage drives will be mounted accordingly.
The ArOZ AJGI / AGI interface provide a javascript programmable interface for ArOZ Online users to create
plugin for the system. To initiate the module, you can place a "init.agi" file in the web directory of the module
(also named the module root). See more details in the .
If you are looking for other WebApps (Installed via System Setting) or subservices (Require SSH login to install, for OEM only), please take a look at our collections over here:
Find us on Telegram! We welcome all kind of feedbacks and questions.
Already using ArozOS? Show us your server configuration!
CopyRight tobychui 2016 - 2021
No limit for personal and educational usage. For other use case, please contact me via email or telegram.
I am working on this project as a hobby / side project and I am not really into collecting donation from this project.