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radiative transfer code, designed for use with CESM/ExoCAM


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Eric T. Wolf
[email protected]

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!! ====  ANNOUCEMENTS ==== !!
  As of September 2020, the recommended radiation version to use for all
  terrestrial planet cases is src.n68equiv.  See description below.

!! ====  DESCRIPTION  ==== !!
  A reasonably flexible two-stream radiative transfer code designed for use
  with 3D climate models.  In this software, contained are builds for a 1-D
  offline version, and for directly interfacing with CESM/CAM4.  The directory
  tree is as follows...

  directory tree
       /src.main      --  drivers for offline calculation and shared radiation routines 
       /src.misc      --  Miscellaneous files and stubs from CESM origin needed to run offline
       /src.n*        --  Various radiative transfer versions n## = number of
                          spectral intervals, followed by a 1 word description 
       /experimental  -- rt builds that are under development, or for testing
  /iofiles    -- input/outfiles for 1d model
  /build      -- build dir for 1d model
  /run        -- run dir for 1d model
  /3dmodels   -- collections of files to be linked with CESM
  /tools      -- tools for file manipulation in IDL

  src.n68equiv   == As of September 2020, this is the recommended version to use for all terrestrial planet cases
                 == Correlated-k coefficients produced with HELIOS-K (Grimm et al. 2015)
                 == H2O, HITRAN 2016, Voigt lineshape, 25 cm-1 cutoff, plinth remove
                 == H2O Self and Foreign Continuum from MT_CKDv3.3 fit to gauss pts
                 == CO2, HITRAN 2016, Perrin and Hartmann (1989) subLorentzian
                         lineshape, 500 cm-1 cutoff, with CO2-CO2 CIA
                 == CH4, HITRAN 2016, Voigt lineshape, 25 cm-1 cutoff
                 == N2-N2, N2-H2, H2-H2 CIA downloaded from HITRAN
                 == CO2-H2, CO2-CH4 CIA from Turbet et al. (2020)
                 == 68 spectral intervals, 8 gauss points
                 == gas overlap using equivalent extinction absorption method (Amundsen et al. 2016)
                          In each spectral interval, grid box, and time, the
                          "major" gas is selcted and treated with an 8-gauss
                           point correlated-k distribution.  Minor species are
                           then added in as grey absorbers.  Major gases are
                           selected on the fly.
                 == Pressures from 10 bars to 0.01 mb
                 == Temperatures from 100 K to 500 K
  src.n84equiv   == Same as n68equiv, except bins added shortward of 0.24 microns.  
                 == Use this for F stars (6500 K < T <  ~10000 K)
  src.n28archean == H2O, CO2, CH4, N2, H2, HITRAN 2004, 28 bins, designed for the Archean Climate (formerly "highco2")
                 == H2O and CO2 continuum from MT_CKD2.5 (see Halevy et al. 2009)
                 == mixed gas k-distributions created using LBLRTM (Mlawer et  al. 1997, Shi et al. 2009) 
    	         == CO2 up multi bars, reasonable agreement for 2 bar dry CO2
	         == CH4 up to 0.01 bar. NOTE: older line list misses CH4 near-IR absorptio
                 == H2O overesimates absorption in the near-IR around M-dwarfs due to coarse bands
	         == refer to Wolf, E.T. and Toon, O.B. Astrobiology 13(7), 1-18 (2013)
	         == up to 100 bar total pressures
	         == N2-N2, N2-H2, H2-H2 CIA

  src.n42h2o     == H2O, N2, H2 42 bins, HITRAN 2012 | n42 was the winner
                 == H2O singe gas k-distributions created with Helios-K (Grimm et al. 2015)
	         == refer to Kopparapu et al. ApJ 845:5 (2017)
	         == up to 10 bar total pressures
	         == N2-N2, N2-H2, H2-H2 CIA

  src.n68h2o     == same as n42h2o, 68 bins

!!====  INSTRUCTIONS  ====

-- Building model

% cd ../ExoRT/build
% make all        
% make modelname1 modelname2 ...
% make n42h2o

executable is copied to ../ExoRT/run

-- input file to be placed in ../ExoRT/run directory
template inputs located in  ../ExoRT/iofiles
change inputs as desired, see code idl_progs

change number of vertical levels, solar spectrum, etc in 
	-- this code structure is left-over from extraction from ExoCAM

-- run model
% modelname.exe
% n42h2o.exe

This produces an output file ""
solar spectra and number of levels in profile are set in source/src.main/exoplanet_mod.F90

!========  CONTENTS OF INPUT FILE  ========
Input file :
VAR(DIM)  note:  pverp = pver + 1
TS(1) - surface temperature
PS(1) - surface pressure
TMID(pver) - temperature at grid mid points
TINT(pverp) - temperature at grid interfaces
PDEL(pver) - pressure difference (i.e. pressure thickness of each grid cell)
PINT(pverp) - pressure at interface levels
ZINT(pverp) - height at interfaces
H2OMMR(per) - water vapor mass mixing ratio (specific humidity, wet)
CO2MMR(pver) - co2 mass mixing ratio dry
ch4mmr(pver) - ch4 mass mixing ratio dry
o2mmr(pver) - o2 mass mixing ratio dry
o3mmr(pver) - o3 mass mixing ratio dry
h2mmr(pver) - h2 mass mixing ratio dry
n2mmr(pver) - n2 mass mxing ratio dry
asdir(1) - albedo shortwave (0.2-0.7 um), direct
asdif(1) - albedo shortwave (0.2-0.7 um), diffuse
aldir(1) - albedo near IR (0.7-4.0 um), direct
aldif(1) - albedo near IR (0.7-4.0 um), diffuse
coszrs(1) - cosine of the zenith angle
mw(1) - molecular weight of dry air
cp(1) - specific heat of dry air

Output file :
LWUP(pverp) - longwave upwelling flux (Wm-2)
LWDN(pverp) - longwave downwelling flux (Wm-2)
SWUP(pverp) - shortwave upwelling flux (Wm-2)
SWDN(pverp) - shortwave downwelling flux (Wm-2)
LWUP_SPECTRAL(ntot_wavlnrng, pverp) - longwave upwelling spectral flux (Wm-2 in each interval)
LWDN_SPECTRAL(ntot_wavlnrng, pverp) - longwave downwelling spectral flux (Wm-2 in each interval)
SWUP_SPECTRAL(ntot_wavlnrng, pverp) - shortwave upwelling spectral flux (Wm-2 in each interval)
SWDN_SPECTRAL(ntot_wavlnrng, pverp) - shortwave downwelling spectral flux (Wm-2 in each interval)
LWHR(pver) - longwave heating rate (K/Earth day)
SWHR(pver) - shortwave heating rate (K/Earth day)

==========  DATA =========
Data Folders
/data/aerosol                -- aerosol optical constants and CARMA production rates
/data/cia                    -- Collision induced absorption data
/data/continuum/             -- CO2, H2O continuum coefficients derived from MTCKD (LBLRTM's native continuum model)
/data/kdist                  -- correlated k-distributions
/data/cloud                  -- cloud optical properties (mie)
/data/solar                  -- various stellar spectra


radiative transfer code, designed for use with CESM/ExoCAM







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