Authored by [StreamNative], this repository includes the source code and documentation for a Terraform provider for managing Apache Pulsar entities such as clusters, tenants, namespaces, topics, sources, and sinks.
From terraform registry
This provider has been published in the Terraform Registry:
terraform { required_providers { pulsar = { version = "0.1.3" source = "" } } }
From source code
- Clone this repository and cd into the directory
- Run
make build
, it will generate a binary file namedterraform-provider-pulsar
- Copy this
binary file to your terraform plugin directory based on your OS:
Operating System | User plugins directory |
Windows(amd64) | %APPDATA%\terraform.d\plugins\\streamnative\pulsar\0.1.0\windows_amd64\ |
Linux(amd64) | ~/.terraform.d/plugins/ |
MacOS(amd64) | ~/.terraform.d/plugins/ |
- Run
make build-dev
, it will build the binary and copy it to the plugin directory automatically.
The compatibility matrix from terraform-provider-pulsar to pulsar as shown below:
Min Version of Pulsar | |
v0.2.x | pulsar 2.10.4 |
v0.1.x | pulsar 2.8.x |
Note: It's not strictly tested. Please report issues when you encounter any bugs.
Example provider with apache pulsar cluster, running locally with authentication disabled.
provider "pulsar" {
web_service_url = "http://localhost:8080"
token = "my_auth_token"
provider "pulsar" {
web_service_url = "https://localhost:8443"
tls_trust_certs_file_path = "./ca.pem"
tls_key_file_path = "./key.pem"
tls_cert_file_path = "./cert.pem"
Property | Description | Required |
web_service_url |
URL of your Apache Pulsar Cluster | Yes |
token |
Authentication Token for your Apache Pulsar Cluster, which is required only if your cluster has authentication enabled | No |
tls_trust_certs_file_path |
Path to a custom trusted TLS certificate file | No |
tls_key_file_path |
Path to the key to use when using TLS client authentication | No |
tls_cert_file_path |
Path to the cert to use when using TLS client authentication | No |
tls_allow_insecure_connection |
Boolean flag to accept untrusted TLS certificates | No |
api_version |
Used to request Apache Pulsar API service, default by 0, which represents use default version | No |
audience |
The OAuth 2.0 resource server identifier for the Pulsar cluster | No |
client_id |
The OAuth 2.0 client identifier | No |
issuer_url |
The OAuth 2.0 URL of the authentication provider which allows the Pulsar client to obtain an access token | No |
scope |
The OAuth 2.0 scope to request | No |
key_file_path |
The path of the private key file | No |
A resource for managing Apache Pulsar Clusters, can update various properties for a given cluster.
provider "pulsar" {
web_service_url = "http://localhost:8080"
resource "pulsar_cluster" "my_cluster" {
cluster = "eternals"
cluster_data {
web_service_url = "http://localhost:8080"
broker_service_url = "http://localhost:6050"
peer_clusters = ["skrulls", "krees"]
Property | Description | Required |
cluster |
Name of the Cluster that you want to create | Yes |
cluster_data |
A Map of required fields for the cluster | Yes |
web_service_url |
Required in cluster data, pointing to your broker web service | Yes |
web_service_url_tls |
Pointing to your broker web service via tls | No |
broker_service_url |
Required in cluster data for broker discovery | Yes |
broker_service_url_tls |
Required in cluster data for broker discovery via tls | No |
peer_clusters |
Required in cluster data for adding peer clusters | Yes |
A resource for managing Pulsar Tenants, can update admin roles and allowed clusters for a tenant.
provider "pulsar" {
web_service_url = "http://localhost:8080"
resource "pulsar_tenant" "my_tenant" {
tenant = "thanos"
allowed_clusters = ["pulsar-cluster-1"]
admin_roles = ["godmode"]
Property | Description | Required |
tenant |
Name of the Tenant that you want to create | Yes |
allowed_clusters |
An Array of clusters, accessible by this tenant | No |
admin_roles |
Admin Roles to be assumed by this Tenant | No |
A resource for creating and managing Apache Pulsar Namespaces, can update various properties for a given namespace.
provider "pulsar" {
web_service_url = "http://localhost:8080"
resource "pulsar_cluster" "test_cluster" {
cluster = "skrulls"
cluster_data {
web_service_url = "http://localhost:8080"
broker_service_url = "http://localhost:6050"
peer_clusters = ["standalone"]
resource "pulsar_tenant" "test_tenant" {
tenant = "thanos"
allowed_clusters = [pulsar_cluster.test_cluster.cluster, "standalone"]
resource "pulsar_namespace" "test" {
tenant = pulsar_tenant.test_tenant.tenant
namespace = "eternals"
enable_deduplication = true
// If defined partially, plan would show difference
// however, none of the mising optionals would be changed
namespace_config {
anti_affinity = "anti-aff"
max_consumers_per_subscription = "50"
max_consumers_per_topic = "50"
max_producers_per_topic = "50"
message_ttl_seconds = "86400"
replication_clusters = ["standalone"]
dispatch_rate {
dispatch_msg_throttling_rate = 50
rate_period_seconds = 50
dispatch_byte_throttling_rate = 2048
subscription_dispatch_rate {
dispatch_msg_throttling_rate = 50
rate_period_seconds = 50
dispatch_byte_throttling_rate = 2048
retention_policies {
retention_minutes = "1600"
retention_size_in_mb = "10000"
backlog_quota {
limit_bytes = "10000000000"
limit_seconds = "-1"
policy = "consumer_backlog_eviction"
type = "destination_storage"
persistence_policies {
bookkeeper_ensemble = 1 // Number of bookies to use for a topic, default: 0
bookkeeper_write_quorum = 1 // How many writes to make of each entry, default: 0
bookkeeper_ack_quorum = 1 // Number of acks (guaranteed copies) to wait for each entry, default: 0
managed_ledger_max_mark_delete_rate = 0.0 // Throttling rate of mark-delete operation (0 means no throttle), default: 0.0
permission_grant {
role = "some-role"
actions = ["produce", "consume", "functions"]
Property | Description | Required |
tenant |
Name of the Tenant managing this namespace | Yes |
namespace |
name of the namespace | Yes |
enable_deduplication |
Message deduplication state on a namespace | No |
namespace_config |
Configuration for your namespaces like max allowed producers to produce messages | No |
dispatch_rate |
Apache Pulsar throttling config for topics | No |
subscription_dispatch_rate |
Apache Pulsar throttling config for subscriptions | No |
retention_policies |
Data retention policies | No |
backlog_quota |
Backlog Quota for all topics | No |
persistence_policies |
Persistence policies for all topics under a given namespace | No |
permission_grant |
Permission grants on a namespace. This block can be repeated for each grant you'd like to add | No |
namespace_config nested schema
Property | Description | Required |
anti_affinity |
Anti-affinity group name | No |
is_allow_auto_update_schema |
Is schema auto-update allowed | No |
max_consumers_per_subscription |
Sets the max consumers per subscription | No |
max_consumers_per_topic |
Sets the max consumers per topic | No |
max_producers_per_topic |
Sets the max producers per topic | No |
message_ttl_seconds |
Sets the message TTL in seconds | No |
offload_threshold_size_in_mb |
Set topic offload threshold size in MB | No |
replication_clusters |
List of replication clusters for the namespace | No |
schema_compatibility_strategy |
Set schema compatibility strategy | No |
schema_validation_enforce |
Enable or disable schema validation | No |
subscription_expiration_time_minutes |
Sets the subscription expiration time in minutes | No |
The schema_compatibility_strategy
can take the following values:
- AutoUpdateDisabled
- Backward
- Forward
- Full
- AlwaysCompatible
- BackwardTransitive
- ForwardTransitive
- FullTransitive
A resource for creating and managing Apache Pulsar Topics, can update partitions for a given partition topic.
provider "pulsar" {
web_service_url = "http://localhost:8080"
resource "pulsar_topic" "sample-topic-1" {
tenant = "public"
namespace = "default"
topic_type = "persistent"
topic_name = "partition-topic"
partitions = 4 # partitions > 0 means this is a partition topic
permission_grant {
role = "some-role"
actions = ["produce", "consume", "functions"]
retention_policies {
retention_time_minutes = 1600
retention_size_mb = 20000
resource "pulsar_topic" "sample-topic-2" {
tenant = "public"
namespace = "default"
topic_type = "persistent"
topic_name = "non-partition-topic"
partitions = 0 # partitions = 0 means this is a non-partition topic
permission_grant {
role = "some-role"
actions = ["produce", "consume", "functions"]
retention_policies {
retention_time_minutes = 1600
retention_size_mb = 20000
Property | Description | Required |
tenant |
Name of the Tenant managing this topic | Yes |
namespace |
Name of the Namespace for this topic | Yes |
topic_type |
Topic persistence (persistent , non-persistent ) |
Yes |
topic_name |
Name of the topic | Yes |
partitions |
Number of partitions (0 for non-partitioned topic, > 1 for partitioned topic) |
Yes |
permission_grant |
Permission grants on a topic. This block can be repeated for each grant you'd like to add. Permission grants are also inherited from the topic's namespace. | No |
retention_policies |
Data retention policies | No |
A resource for creating and managing Apache Pulsar Functions.
provider "pulsar" {
web_service_url = "http://localhost:8080"
resource "pulsar_function" "function-1" {
provider = pulsar
name = "function1"
tenant = "public"
namespace = "default"
parallelism = 1
processing_guarantees = "ATLEAST_ONCE"
jar = "/Downloads/apache-pulsar-2.10.1/examples/api-examples.jar"
classname = "org.apache.pulsar.functions.api.examples.WordCountFunction"
inputs = ["public/default/input1", "public/default/input2"]
output = "public/default/test-out"
subscription_name = "test-sub"
subscription_position = "Latest"
cleanup_subscription = true
skip_to_latest = true
forward_source_message_property = true
retain_key_ordering = true
auto_ack = true
max_message_retries = 101
dead_letter_topic = "public/default/dlt"
log_topic = "public/default/lt"
timeout_ms = 6666
secrets = jsonencode(
"SECRET1": {
"path": "sectest"
"key": "hello"
custom_runtime_options = jsonencode(
"env": {
Property | Description | Required |
name |
The name of the function. | True |
tenant |
The tenant of the function. | True |
namespace |
The namespace of the function. | True |
jar |
The path to the jar file. | False |
py |
The path to the python file. | False |
go |
The path to the go file. | False |
classname |
The class name of the function. | False |
inputs |
The input topics of the function. | False |
topics_pattern |
The input topics pattern of the function. The pattern is a regex expression. The function consumes from all topics matching the pattern. | False |
output |
The output topic of the function. | False |
parallelism |
The parallelism of the function. | False |
processing_guarantees |
The processing guarantees (aka delivery semantics) applied to the function. Possible values are ATMOST_ONCE , ATLEAST_ONCE , and EFFECTIVELY_ONCE . |
False |
subscription_name |
The subscription name of the function. | False |
subscription_position |
The subscription position of the function. Possible values are LATEST , EARLIEST , and CUSTOM . |
False |
cleanup_subscription |
Whether to clean up subscription when the function is deleted. | False |
skip_to_latest |
Whether to skip to the latest position when the function is restarted after failure. | False |
forward_source_message_property |
Whether to forward source message property to the function output message. | False |
retain_ordering |
Whether to retain ordering when the function is restarted after failure. | False |
retain_key_ordering |
Whether to retain key ordering when the function is restarted after failure. | False |
auto_ack |
User defined configs key/values (JSON string) | False |
max_message_retries |
The maximum number of times that a message will be retried when the function is configured with EFFECTIVELY_ONCE processing guarantees. |
False |
dead_letter_topic |
The dead letter topic of the function. | False |
log_topic |
The log topic of the function. | False |
timeout_ms |
The timeout of the function in milliseconds. | False |
input_type_classname |
The input type class name of the function. | False |
output_type_classname |
The output type class name of the function. | False |
output_serde_classname |
The output serde class name of the function. | False |
output_schema_type |
The output schema type of the function. | False |
custom_serde_inputs |
The custom serde inputs of the function. | False |
custom_schema_inputs |
The custom schema inputs of the function. | False |
custom_schema_outputs |
The custom schema outputs of the function. | False |
custom_runtime_options |
The custom runtime options of the function. | False |
secrets |
The secrets of the function. | False |
cpu |
The CPU that needs to be allocated per function instance | False |
ram_mb |
The RAM that need to be allocated per function instance | False |
disk_mb |
The disk that need to be allocated per function instance | False |
A resource for creating and managing Apache Pulsar Sources.
provider "pulsar" {
web_service_url = "http://localhost:8080"
resource "pulsar_source" "source-1" {
provider = pulsar
name = "source-1"
tenant = "public"
namespace = "default"
archive = "testdata/pulsar-io/pulsar-io-file-2.10.4.nar"
destination_topic_name = "source-1-topic"
processing_guarantees = "EFFECTIVELY_ONCE"
configs = "{\"inputDirectory\":\"opt\"}"
cpu = 2
disk_mb = 20480
ram_mb = 2048
Property | Description | Required |
name |
The source's name | True |
tenant |
The source's tenant | True |
namespace |
The source's namespace | True |
destination_topic_name |
The Pulsar topic to which data is sent | True |
archive |
The path to the NAR archive for the Source. It also supports url-path [http/https/file (file protocol assumes that file already exists on worker host)] from which worker can download the package | True |
classname |
The source's class name if archive is file-url-path (file://) | False |
configs |
User defined configs key/values (JSON string) | False |
deserialization_classname |
The SerDe classname for the source | False |
processing_guarantees |
Define the message delivery semantics, default to ATLEAST_ONCE (ATLEAST_ONCE, ATMOST_ONCE, EFFECTIVELY_ONCE) | False |
parallelism |
The source's parallelism factor | False |
cpu |
The CPU that needs to be allocated per source instance (applicable only to Docker runtime) | False |
ram_mb |
The RAM that need to be allocated per source instance (applicable only to the process and Docker runtimes) | False |
disk_mb |
The disk that need to be allocated per source instance (applicable only to Docker runtime) | False |
runtime_flags |
User defined configs key/values (JSON string) | False |
A resource for creating and managing Apache Pulsar Sinks.
provider "pulsar" {
web_service_url = "http://localhost:8080"
resource "pulsar_sink" "sample-sink-1" {
provider = pulsar
name = "sample-sink-1"
tenant = "public"
namespace = "default"
inputs = ["sink-1-topic"]
subscription_position = "Latest"
cleanup_subscription = false
parallelism = 1
auto_ack = true
processing_guarantees = "EFFECTIVELY_ONCE"
archive = "testdata/pulsar-io/pulsar-io-jdbc-postgres-2.10.4.nar"
configs = "{\"jdbcUrl\":\"jdbc:clickhouse://localhost:8123/pulsar_clickhouse_jdbc_sink\",\"password\":\"password\",\"tableName\":\"pulsar_clickhouse_jdbc_sink\",\"userName\":\"clickhouse\"}"
Property | Description | Required |
tenant |
The sink's tenant | True |
namespace |
The sink's namespace | True |
name |
The sink's name | True |
inputs |
The sink's input topics | False |
topics_pattern |
TopicsPattern to consume from list of topics under a namespace that match the pattern | False |
input_specs |
The map of input topics specs | False |
configs |
User defined configs key/values (JSON string) | False |
archive |
Path to the archive file for the sink. It also supports url-path [http/https/file (file protocol assumes that file already exists on worker host)] from which worker can download the package | True |
subscription_name |
Pulsar source subscription name if user wants a specific subscription-name for input-topic consumer | False |
subscription_position |
Pulsar source subscription position if user wants to consume messages from the specified location (Latest, Earliest) | False |
cleanup_subscription |
Whether the subscriptions the functions created/used should be deleted when the functions was deleted | True |
processing_guarantees |
Define the message delivery semantics, default to ATLEAST_ONCE (ATLEAST_ONCE, ATMOST_ONCE, EFFECTIVELY_ONCE) | False |
retain_ordering |
Sink consumes and sinks messages in order | False |
auto_ack |
Whether or not the framework will automatically acknowledge messages | True |
timeout_ms |
The message timeout in milliseconds | False |
parallelism |
The sink's parallelism factor | False |
cpu |
The CPU that needs to be allocated per sink instance (applicable only to Docker runtime) | False |
ram_mb |
The RAM that need to be allocated per sink instance (applicable only to the process and Docker runtimes) | False |
disk_mb |
The disk that need to be allocated per sink instance (applicable only to Docker runtime) | False |
custom_schema_inputs |
The map of input topics to Schema types or class names (as a JSON string) | False |
custom_serde_inputs |
The map of input topics to SerDe class names (as a JSON string) | False |
custom_runtime_options |
A string that encodes options to customize the runtime | False |
All resources could be imported using the standard terraform way.
terraform import pulsar_cluster.standalone standalone
- Change directory to the project </path/to/provider/terraform-provider-pulsar>
- In order to test the provider, you can run
make test
- In order to run the full suite of Acceptance tests, run
make testacc
Note: Acceptance tests create real resources, and often cost money to run.
Contributions are warmly welcomed and greatly appreciated! Please read the contribution guidelines for more details.
Issues on GitHub are intended to be related to bugs or feature requests with the provider codebase. For a list of community resources to ask questions about Terraform, see
This library is licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0 and may include packages written by third parties which carry their own copyright notices and license terms.
Founded in 2019 by the original creators of Apache Pulsar, StreamNative is one of the leading contributors to the open-source Apache Pulsar project. We have helped engineering teams worldwide make the move to Pulsar with StreamNative Cloud, a fully managed service to help teams accelerate time-to-production.