This repo houses bullet 2, the physics engine used within Stride, its C++ / C# wrapper and build scripts for the different supported platforms.
- bullet => Official bullet repo
- libbulletc => C++ wrapper
- BulletSharp => C# wrapper around C++ wrapper
- src => build scripts
- Windows x64 / x86 / Store / UWP / ARM msbuild:
- Install Visual Studio 2015+ with C++, cmake and Windows Store/UWP requirements.
- Cherry-pick e4414c80232d66f8a250aa83f934594bcba3c605 in bullet submodule to fix build on win-arm64
- If you run into any issue (which you most likely will) good luck, CMakeLists wants to build everything, you'll have to fiddle around with it.
- Unix:
sudo apt install make
sudo apt install clang
cd /src
- Mac:
xcode-select --install
cd /src
- iOS:
xcode-select --install
- Install xcode
- Make sure that your terminal is in dev mode, look at xcode's preferences to change that
cd /src/iOS/bulletc
- Android under Windows:
- AndroidNDK
cd to C:\android-ndk-r19c or wherever you installed it
ndk-build -C path_to\BulletSharpPInvoke\src\Android\jni
- (building is slow af, see those build files for more info)
- Install latest .Net Standard
- Set BulletSharp.NetStandard.sln 's configuration to Release or ReleaseiOS if building for iOS
- Build through dotnet or your C# IDE
Original README content:
BulletSharp is a .NET wrapper for the Bullet physics library.
This version uses Platform Invoke. There is also an equivalent version written in C++/CLI:
libbulletc is a C interface to Bullet. It compiles into a .dll or .so file that exports Bullet functions.
BulletSharpPInvoke is a .NET library that proxies calls from .NET to libbulletc.
The benefit of P/Invoke over C++/CLI is that it runs on all platforms that support P/Invoke into shared user-mode libraries (Windows, Unix, Mac OS). See also Supported platforms.