xslt = require('node_xslt')
stylesheet = xslt.readXsltString(string);
// readXsltString
// synchronous
// Arguments: string containing XSLT
// Returns: stylesheet object
stylesheet = xslt.readXsltFile(filename);
// readXsltFile
// synchronous
// Arguments: filename to file containing XSLT
// Returns: stylesheet object
xslt.readXsltFile(filename, function done(err, stylesheet) {});
// readXsltFile
// asynchronous
// Arguments:
// * filename to file containing XSLT
// * done(err, stylesheet)
// * err: error string
// * stylesheet: stylesheet object
document = xslt.readXmlString(string);
// readXmlString
// synchronous
// Arguments: string containing XML
// Returns: document object
document = xslt.readXmlFile(filename);
// readXmlFile
// Arguments: filename to file containing XML
// Returns: document object
xslt.readXmlFile(filename, function done(err, document) {});
// readXmlFile
// asynchronous
// Arguments:
// * filename to file containing XML
// * done(err, document)
// * err: error string
// * document: xml document object
htmlDocument = xslt.readHtmlString(string);
// readHtmlString
// Arguments: string containing HTML
// Returns: document object
htmlDocument = xslt.readHtmlFile(string);
// readHtmlFile
// synchroous
// Arguments: filename to file containing HTML
// Returns: document object
xslt.readHtmlFile(filename, function done(err, document) {});
// readHtmlFile
// asynchronous
// Arguments:
// * filename to file containing HTML
// * done(err, document)
// * err: error string
// * document: html document object
transformedString = xslt.transform(stylesheet, document, parameters);
// transform
// synchronous
// Arguments:
// * stylesheet: stylesheet object
// * document: document object
// * parameters: an array of parameters to be passed to the stylesheet. length must be multiple of 2.
// Example: ['param1Name', 'param1Value', 'param2Name', 'param2Value']
xslt.transform(stylesheet, document, parameters, function done(err, transformedString) {});
// transform
// asynchronous
// Arguments:
// * stylesheet: stylesheet object
// * document: document object
// * parameters: an array of parameters to be passed to the stylesheet. length must be multiple of 2.
// Example: ['param1Name', 'param1Value', 'param2Name', 'param2Value']
// * done(err, transformedString)
// * err: error string
// * transformedString: trasform result as string
Transform paramerers as object
transform(stylesheet, document, { param1: value1, ... })
Transform with filename parameters
transform("stylesheet.xslt", "document.xml", { param1: value1, ... })
Transform an array of documents
transform(stylesheet, [doc1, doc2], { param1: value1 })
transform("stylesheet.xslt", ["doc1.xml", "doc2.xml"], { param1: value1 })
Transform with default null parameters
transform(stylesheet, doc)
- libxml2 (libxml2-dev package for Debian-based distros)
- libxslt (libxslt-dev package for Debian-based distros)
- libexslt (libxslt-dev package for Debian-based distros)
- xml2-config (Needs to be on PATH)
npm install node_xslt
In the root directory, run `node-gyp rebuild` to generate