convert IMa2 file to individual PHYLIP files
This script is designed to read an IMa2 file and output each locus to a separate Phylip file named for the locus/contig
The input IMa2 file must be specified
Optionally, a string matching exactly (in whole or part) locus names can be supplied; otherwise script assumes output is from dDocent/rad_haplotyper
Optionally, a space can be inserted after X number of characters; assumes all OTU names are the same length
Usage: perl -i/--imafile path [-l/--locus_string string] [-p/--space_after_position integer]
example usage:
perl -i rad_haplotyper_output.ima.txt -l dDocent -p 10
To concatenate these PHYLIP files into a single file, look at the R package APEX.