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Install micropython

$ wget
$ --port /dev/ttyUSB1 erase_flash
$ --port /dev/ttyUSB1 --baud 460800 write_flash --flash_size=detect 0 esp8266-20180421-v1.9.3-552-gb5ee3b2f.bin

Configure wifi

$ screen /dev/ttyUSB1 115200,cs8,-parenb,-cstopb,-hupcl

Follow help() for wifi usage.

Configure webrepl

import webrepl_setup

Follow wizard.

Initial Setup

import upip

Deploy weiche


Run weiche

Enter the seriel shell and run

import weiche


To configure the controllers provide a webserver reachable within the network of the nodes either on the ip or on the default gateway handed out by your dhcp server on ports 8000 or 80.

All these options will be tried by a booting weiche. If no config is found, the last valid config will be used. If no valid config exists, the system will continue to reboot, until you provide a config.

The config file looks like this:

        "246f28248b30": {
                "idle": {
                        "lights": [0, 512, 0, 512, 0, 512, 0, 512]
                "mqtt": {
                        "enabled": 1,
                        "server": "",
                        "default_topic": "/haspa/led/test",
                        "queue_topic": "/haspa/led/cue",
                        "mood_topic": "/haspa/mood/main",
                        ۰"max_cue_future_seconds": 120
                "artnet": {
                        "enabled": 1,
                        "universe": 1,
                        "start_address": 0
                "serial": {},
                "ntp": {
                        "host": ""

246f28248b30 is the unique_id of a weiche, either printed on it or it is echoed on startup. It is also sent on bootup to the topic /haspa/power/status.

idle:lights: an array of up to 8 channels that define the color the node should have before it receives its first color message or if mqtt is down.

mqtt:enabled: should mqtt be used.

mqtt:server: which server should the mqtt client use. use : to note the port. The weiche systems do not support encrypted mqtt.

mqtt:default_topic: the individual addressed light topic to use. (see below)

mqtt:mood_topic: the global light topic to use. (see below)

mqtt:queue_topic: the individual addressed light show to use. (see below)

max_cue_future_seconds: the maximum length into the future a cue is allowed. Longer cues than this value have to be split into multiple messages.

artnet:enabled: should artnet be used

artnet:universe: on which artnet universe is the node

artnet:start_address: which dmx address within that universe does this node have

ntp:host: which ntp host to use - this has to be reachable in order for the lightshows to work Best set up one in your own network on the same host as the mqtt server.


Each topic message will override previous messages.

default_topic (/haspa/led/)

individually addressed light values, together for all nodes within this packet.

A message to set the lights of one controller to a specific value looks like that (leds not described here will be turned off)

    "246f28248b30": [0, 1023, 0, 1023]

mood_topic (/haspa/mood/)

all leds of the domain should have this color. An example message to set the hackerspace to warm white:

[0. 300, 0, 300, 0, 300, 0, 300]

queue_topic (/haspa/cue)

Set a light show for each controller individually.

A light show is based on timestamps in milliseconds since 2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000. When a new light show arrives, all previous elements that would have occured after the first element in the new show are dropped. Also all elements in the past are dropped.

If you send an empty show, the full show is dropped and the default mood is applied again.

The elements have to be sorted as earliest segment first.

an example message for having a 1 second blinking show between warm and cold white:

        [6123234534, [0, 1023, 0, 1023]],
        [6123235534, [1023, 0, 1023, 0]],
        [6123236534, [0, 1023, 0, 1023]],
        [6123237534, [1023, 0, 1023, 0]],