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GSoC 2020

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@walterbender walterbender released this 07 Sep 00:08
· 1892 commits to master since this release

Thanks to the efforts of Anindya Kundu (@meganindya) Aviral Gangwar (@aviral243), and Saksham Mrig (@sksum), we have made tremendous progress on Music Blocks this summer. (Tip-of-the-hat to the GSoC mentors as well: Favor, Sumit, and Devin.)

Anindya added a JavaScript widget that converts blocks to JavaScript. You can learn more here

JavaScript Widget

Saksham added an oscilloscope widget that displays the wave form of the music as it is playing.

Oscilloscope Widget

Also, the Music Keyboard widget now considers beats per minute (BPM) and Tempo when generating notes . The widget also accepts Midi as an input source.

Saksham refactored the Stats widget:


And he made numerous improvements to the palette, block search, and the on-every-beat-do logic. He also added a block that lets you pan audio from left to right. And he upgraded to the latest version of Tone.js.

Aviral added a pie menu for setting a preferred mode and scale that makes it easier to preview and select notes.

Mode Selector

and a converter block for pitch.

Pitch Converter

Other highlights:

We had a new contributor (@athenajq) who added a pie menu to the BPM block.

Christopher Liu and Martin Abente Lahaye packaged Music Blocks with Flatpak.

Issues closed since the last release:

#2499 _buildScale() doesn't process Cb Major.

#2535 BPM and Meter Widget

#2533 Phrase Maker and Hertz

#2549 backward block seems to play twice

#2396 Use plus block to formulate scale degree

#2550 Changing Meter has no impact on "On Every Beat Do"

#2551 default synths not initialized for companion turtle Issue-Bug

#2513 Regression on Rawgit Issue-Regression WF6-Needs testing

#2548 regression: last start block should not go into the trash Issue-Regression

#2481 Pitch Preview Bugs and Enhancements

#857 Statistics better oriented for musical parameters. Issue-Enhancement

#2543 Forward inside Note Block fails to run from JS Widget

#2390 On every beat do is always one beat behind

#2520 Run Slowly and Step-by-Step is broken Issue-Regression

#2505 version (release, I assume) not passing smoke test Priority-High WF1-Need more info

#2527 Increase Click and Drag Area in Palette

#2521 Putting pitch blocks directly into trash does not generate silence Issue-Regression

#1767 missing Meter Widget features Issue-Enhancement

#2469 Octave is Stubborn for Scale Degree Issue-Regression

#862 Accidentals accurate to "set key" selection Component-Lilypond Component-key/mode Issue-Bug WF1-Need more info WF4-In development

#2301 Pie Menu for Beats Per Minute Blocks Good first issue Issue-Enhancement

#2495 Regression in Simple Tuplet and Tuplet (Phrase Maker) Component-Widget Issue-Regression

#2484 Spurious Initiation when a Widget is open Priority-Major

#2510 JS Widget: Please output pitches to logs (for now)

#2486 No "Did you mean to use Note Block" error for Phrase Maker

#2434 Update Tone.js to V 14.7.39

#2465 upgrade to latest tone.js release Component-Tonejs Issue-Enhancement

#2466 close search after selecting a block Good first issue Issue-Enhancement

#2474 oscilloscope widget should auto-open on play Component-Widget Issue-Enhancement

#2482 Mouse/Turtle should not be draggable when shrunk

#2494 Use Print Block for Display Grid

#2506 y to pitch fails for most neg. numbers Issue-Bug

#2406 hertz to color Issue-Enhancement

#2479 openFile block regression Issue-Regression

#2440 pitch preference menu should rotate on click Issue-Enhancement

#2373 Measurement Blocks' Clamp does not work WF6-Needs testing

#2467 Not opening (fatal) Issue-Bug Priority-High WF6-Needs testing

#2459 No way to toggle back to beginner mode Issue-Regression Priority-Major

#2478 missing graphics Issue-Bug Issue-Documentation

#2475 output of y to pitch cannot be played by any pitch block variant Issue-Bug

#2473 hovering over home icon on music blocks page shows Home[HOME]

#2444 Oscilloscope Widget Component-Tonejs Component-Widget Issue-Enhancement

#2464 select turtle/mouse in oscilloscope block clamp Component-Widget Issue-Enhancement

#2463 add icons for zoom buttons in Oscilloscope Widget Component-Widget Issue-Design

#1475 More unit testing, please: Some samples are only in a single channel of stereo? WF1-Need more info

#2439 new JA strings from pitch menu Issue-Japan Issue-Translation

#2411 Scale Degree is acting "wonky" WF6-Needs testing

#2398 y to pitch converter Issue-Enhancement

#747 Down/Up arrow on keyboard scrolls screen in FF (and Left/Right does nothing) Browser-Firefox Issue-Bug WF6-Needs testing

#604 Stereo (Left <--> Right) Block Issue-Enhancement Priority-Minor