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Jon Bonazza edited this page Aug 7, 2015 · 12 revisions


Suiton is an open source, cross-platform, 2D game engine. In the current market, there doesn’t exist a very wide selection of 2D game engines and those that do exist, either target one platform or require a lot of capital to get started. There are some 3D Game Engines, such as the Unity engine, that can be modified to develop 2D games, however the interfaces become clunky at best and the workflow is still not fantastic. Suiton aims to create an easy to use interface for developers to create their games with the least amount of work possible, while retaining the “power” given to them by low-level APIs.

Suiton is not targeted towards AAA developers, but instead is targeted toward hobbiest and “indie” developers who are on low budgets. Because Suiton is open source, it is entirely free to use and modify as seen fit by any person(s) within the bounds of the attached license.

Suiton allows developers to code the logic for their game via the javascript language. Because of this, it opens up the possibility for both Suiton developers, as well as 3rd party developers to create scripts and sell/distribute them, creating an effective means of monetization.

Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

  • CBES Acronym for Component-Based Entity System
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