Convex hull algorithm implementation using canvas in JavaScript for Analysis of Algorithms lecture.
You can check the demo by clicking here.
Input: a list P of points in the plane.
Precondition: There must be at least 3 points.
Sort the points of P by x-coordinate (in case of a tie, sort by y-coordinate).
Initialize U and L as empty lists. The lists will hold the vertices of upper and lower hulls respectively.
for i = 1, 2, ..., n: while L contains at least two points and the sequence of last two points of L and the point P[i] does not make a counter-clockwise turn: remove the last point from L append P[i] to L
for i = n, n-1, ..., 1: while U contains at least two points and the sequence of last two points of U and the point P[i] does not make a counter-clockwise turn: remove the last point from U append P[i] to U
Remove the last point of each list (it's the same as the first point of the other list).
Concatenate L and U to obtain the convex hull of P.
Points in the result will be listed in counter-clockwise order.