A logo text selector tool. A single page packed with google fonts, and example text /styles applied.
Scanning the options, should reveal a logo font that "is right".
This uses Bootstrap & Google fonts, a selection on popular ones.
less compiler.
Watch ./less compile to ./css
Example text, A sample text is used and is split into a head(h) and tails(t) word(s). To control styling/design we apply styles to head, tail or both. Use padding-left/right to control h/t spacing.
Head: 'talk' Tail: 'Mountains'
Head: 'Helix' Tail: 'App'
Head: 'Mercedes' Tail: 'Racing Division'
MercedesRacing Division
Sample Row
Files to edit, all three of them:
- style.less Make changes to fonts requested
- logo-study.html to edit the text and css font classes tested.
- logo.less Make changes to the styles for each combination of logo-##
Todo: Automate the font/container styling ( dry ).
Todo: Add text font snippet/combinations.
I struggled on fonts till I began following and reading [Jarrods] 1 work. Watching a [video] 2 made the light bulb come on.