Genpact and Analytics Vidhya presents the “Genpact Machine Learning Hackathon 2018”. A great opportunity to showcase your machine learning and analytical abilities and compete with the best data scientists out there.
Your client is a meal delivery company which operates in multiple cities. They have various fulfillment centers in these cities for dispatching meal orders to their customers. The client wants you to help these centers with demand forecasting for upcoming weeks so that these centers will plan the stock of raw materials accordingly.
The replenishment of majority of raw materials is done on weekly basis and since the raw material is perishable, the procurement planning is of utmost importance. Secondly, staffing of the centers is also one area wherein accurate demand forecasts are really helpful. Given the following information, the task is to predict the demand for the next 10 weeks (Weeks: 146-155) for the center-meal combinations in the test set:
- id Unique transaction id
- week Week number; training data had weeks 1 through 145
- center_id Unique identifier for the branch of the online food delivery business
- meal_id Unique identifier for the meal
- checkout_price Price of the meal after discounts, coupons, etc
- base_price Base price of the meal
- emailer_for_promotion Boolean indicating whether the meal was promoted via email
- homepage_featured Boolean indicating whether the meal was featured on the website’s homepage
- num_orders The target (or dependent) variable we were asked to predict
There was also the following information about the branch of the food delivery business.
- center_id Unique identifier for the branch of the online food delivery business
- city_code Unique identifier for the city in which the branch operates
- region_code Unique identifier for the region in which the branch operates
- center_type Categorical variable for the branch type
- op_area Operating area of the branch
Then, there was some information about the meal’s themselves.
- meal_id Unique identifier for the meal
- category The meal category
- cuisine The meal cuisine (categorical variable)
Total Particpants : 3872
Public LB : 74th Rank
Final Rank LB : 73th Rank