Landmark Group and hackerearth presents an amazing opportunity to showcase one's analytical abilities and talent.
Max is a fashion brand within Landmark Group and has launched certain new stores in the year 2018. The objective is to determine whether an existing customer of Max UAE will shop in each of the new stores.
Customer_Demographics: Customer demographics details for 100k customers
Customer_Transaction: Customer-Store-Week level transaction details for the last two years
Store_Master: Store attribute details
Test_Set: Submission file at Customer- New Store prediction level. Use this to create an additional column of Prediction tagging each
customer-store: into a 1 or a 0 for the submission file.
F1 – Score at Customer Store level in the Test_Set for 1’s (Customers who buy in new stores) .
My approach towards the problem was simple rule based segregation of the customers base and mapping thier corresponding stores on the basis of distance travelled. I had calculated the distance from the new coming stores to all the rest of stores, thereby giving me a proximate periphery of what stores are likely to be visited, on the basis of distance.