- Ankleshwar, Gujarat, India.
portfolio Public
this is my portfolio website made using basic html, css and javacript. the portfolio also has animated SVGs and dedicated dark mode toggle.
FoodyBuddy Public
React Native app that recommends food items to users based on the user's BMI.
expense-tracker Public
Track My Money is an app that can be used to track all your Incomes and Expenses so you don't have to wonder where your hard earned money went...
black-notes Public
BlackNotes is a Note taking app that uses local storage to save notes in the browser that can be accessed later!
free-advice Public
Free Advice is a simple webapp that gives you a New and Witty Advice everytime you click the button!!
minion-translator Public
TalkLikeMinion is a API based WebApp that is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The WebApp uses the FunTranslation API to translate Normal Sentences into Banana Language.
github-readme-stats Public
Forked from anuraghazra/github-readme-stats⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes
MartinHeinz Public
Forked from MartinHeinz/MartinHeinzMy GitHub Profile README. Don't just fork, star it, so others can find it too! 👀
1 UpdatedJun 20, 2022 -
WaylonWalker Public
Forked from WaylonWalker/WaylonWalkerLearning in public
portfolio-gdsc Public
Portfolio website for GDSC Program
snake-js Public
Snake Game is a simple JavaScript-based game made for GDSC