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Merge pull request #227 from djv554/main
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Added a sustainability tracker
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suryanshsk authored Oct 13, 2024
2 parents 5c31c3a + 263663c commit 5d63d9d
Showing 1 changed file with 166 additions and 0 deletions.
166 changes: 166 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
import speech_recognition as sr
import pyttsx3
import json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random

# Initialize the TTS engine
engine = pyttsx3.init()
engine.setProperty('rate', 150) # Slower speaking rate

# Function to speak text
def speak(text):

# Persistent data storage
def save_data():
with open("sustainability_data.json", "w") as file:
json.dump(sustainability_data, file)

def load_data():
global sustainability_data
with open("sustainability_data.json", "r") as file:
sustainability_data = json.load(file)
except FileNotFoundError:
print("No previous data found.")
sustainability_data = {}

# Load data at the start of the program

# Example user-specific sustainability data structure
def initialize_user_data(user):
if user not in sustainability_data:
sustainability_data[user] = {
"transportation": [],
"energy_usage": [],
"water_usage": [],
"waste": []

# Function to capture voice input
def voice_to_text():
recognizer = sr.Recognizer()
with sr.Microphone() as source:
print("Listening for your command...")
audio = recognizer.listen(source, timeout=10) # Timeout after 10 seconds
command = recognizer.recognize_google(audio)
print(f"Captured voice command: {command}")
return command
except sr.UnknownValueError:
speak("I didn't catch that. Could you please repeat?")
return None
except sr.RequestError:
speak("The speech recognition service is unavailable at the moment.")
return None

# Function to log sustainability data with timestamp
def log_sustainability_data(user, category, value):
timestamp =
sustainability_data[user][category].append({"date": timestamp, "value": value})

# Function to provide sustainability recommendations
def provide_recommendations(user):
user_data = sustainability_data[user]

if sum([item["value"] for item in user_data["transportation"]]) > 100:
speak("You have logged over 100 kilometers in transportation. Consider using public transport or carpooling to reduce your carbon footprint.")

if sum([item["value"] for item in user_data["energy_usage"]]) > 500:
speak("Your energy consumption seems high. Try turning off appliances when not in use to save energy.")

if sum([item["value"] for item in user_data["water_usage"]]) > 300:
speak("You have logged high water usage. Consider taking shorter showers or fixing leaks to save water.")

if sum([item["value"] for item in user_data["waste"]]) > 50:
speak("You have logged a lot of waste. Consider recycling or composting to reduce your waste footprint.")

# Function to calculate carbon footprint for transportation (mocked API integration)
def get_carbon_footprint_km(km):
# Mock API response for the carbon footprint
carbon_per_km = 0.21 # Average kg CO2 per km for a car
return round(km * carbon_per_km, 2)

# Function to plot sustainability data
def plot_sustainability_data(user):
categories = ['transportation', 'energy_usage', 'water_usage', 'waste']
values = [sum([item["value"] for item in sustainability_data[user][cat]]) for cat in categories], values)
plt.title(f'{user.capitalize()}\'s Sustainability Tracker')

# Function to provide historical data summary
def get_weekly_summary(user):
categories = ['transportation', 'energy_usage', 'water_usage', 'waste']
one_week_ago = - timedelta(days=7)
weekly_summary = {cat: 0 for cat in categories}

for category in categories:
for entry in sustainability_data[user][category]:
entry_date = datetime.fromisoformat(entry['date'])
if entry_date > one_week_ago:
weekly_summary[category] += entry["value"]

return weekly_summary

# Function to confirm user's entry
def confirm_entry(category, value):
speak(f"Did you mean to log {value} units to {category}? Please say yes or no.")
confirmation = voice_to_text()
if confirmation and "yes" in confirmation.lower():
return True
return False

# Main function for the voice assistant
if __name__ == "__main__":
user = "default_user" # Placeholder for user identification
initialize_user_data(user) # Initialize user data if not present
speak("Hello! I'm your sustainability assistant. How can I help you today?")

while True:
command = voice_to_text()

if command is None:
continue # Retry if the command was not understood

print(f"Command received: {command}")

# Exit the assistant if the user says "exit" or "stop"
if "exit" in command.lower() or "stop" in command.lower():
speak("Goodbye! Stay sustainable!")

# Example: Log transportation
elif "log" in command.lower() and "transportation" in command.lower():
# Extract the number of kilometers from the command
km = int(command.split()[-1]) # Assuming the last word is a number
if confirm_entry("transportation", km):
carbon_footprint = get_carbon_footprint_km(km)
log_sustainability_data(user, "transportation", km)
speak(f"Logged {km} kilometers. This corresponds to a carbon footprint of {carbon_footprint} kilograms of CO2.")
except ValueError:
speak("I couldn't understand the number of kilometers. Please say it again.")

# Example: Show weekly summary
elif "weekly summary" in command.lower():
weekly_data = get_weekly_summary(user)
speak(f"Here is your weekly summary: Transportation {weekly_data['transportation']} kilometers, Energy usage {weekly_data['energy_usage']} units, Water usage {weekly_data['water_usage']} liters, Waste {weekly_data['waste']} kilograms.")

# Example: Show data visualization
elif "show graph" in command.lower():

# Provide recommendations
elif "recommend" in command.lower():

speak("I didn't catch that. Please say a valid command, like 'log transportation' or 'show graph'.")

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