This is an online resume created for a project forked from Udacity. The original files from the forked repository has an empty resumebuilder.js file, which requires a student to write the code to complete the project.
I learned how to write in JSON, JavaScript Object Notation, by following the strict guideline set by Udacity. See the detailed objects below under "The Javascript Objects". I also learned how to use JQuery to select and add DOM elements to the HTML, and I got a taste of using Google Maps.
You may view my final online resume here.
The resume has four JavaScript objects, each one representing a different resume section: work, education, projects and a header with biographical information.
contains:name : string role : string contacts : an object with mobile: string email: string github: string twitter: string (optional) location: string welcomeMessage: string skills: array of strings biopic: string url display: function taking no parameters
contains:schools: array of objects with name: string location: string degree: string majors: array of strings dates: string (works with a hyphen between them) url: string onlineCourses: array of objects with title: string school: string dates: string (works with a hyphen between them) url: string display: function taking no parameters
containsjobs: array of objects with employer: string title: string location: string dates: string (Can be 'in progress') description: string display: function taking no parameters
contains:projects: array of objects with title: string dates: string (works with a hyphen between them) description: string images: array with string urls display: function taking no parameters