The goal of this project is to load database backups (eg. Oracle datapump exports, MS Sql Server .bak files) into a temporary Docker container running the appropriate vendor database, and then export the tables within that restored database as .avro files for loading into other Big data systems.
At the present time (August 2022) this goal remains aspirational. The current system requires a pre-existing database, the connect string and credentials to which must be passed in on the command line.
This jar file connects to an existing database and emits .avro files, one for each table in the database or as specified on the command line.
MSSQL Server backups and Oracle Datapump exports are currently supported. Oracle supports row-level multi-threading for high performance.
On a host running docker, the application will (one day) instantiate a database (as a container), load the backup files into the container, and then dump the database as Avro files. If a database is already running, the restore step can be skipped by providing a JDBC connection string.
The application is asynchronous and multi-threaded using RxJava2.
MSSQL Server
java -jar db-to-avro.jar \
--flavor=sqlserver \
--backup-dir=backups/ \
--catalog=AdventureWorks2016 \
--schema=dbo \
This command currently produces an error message , "You must provide database.url".
Once this project is complete, the above command will restore the Microsoft AdventureWorks database from a backup set located in backups/
, using a single backup file AdventureWorksDW2016_EXT.bak
All tables within schema AdventureWorks2016.dbo will be exported as Avro files to the directory avro/
java -jar db-to-avro.jar \
--flavor=oracle \
--backup-dir=backups/ \
--schemas=HRDEMO \
Once this project is complete, this will restore the Oracle HR demo database from a backup set located in backups/
, using a par file HR.par
All tables within schema HR will be exported as Avro files to the directory avro/
To actually get the above two commands to work at this time, you must also supply the following on the command line as documented in the following section:
--connect=... --user=.. --password=..
MSSQL Server
java -jar db-to-avro.jar \
--connect="jdbc:sqlserver://localhost" \
--user="SA" \
--password="..." \
--flavor=sqlserver \
--catalog=AdventureWorks2016 \
--schemas=dbo \
java -jar db-to-avro.jar \
--connect="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/ORCLPDB1" \
--user="system" \
--password="..." \
--flavor=oracle \
--schemas=HR \
These do the same as the above, but instead of loading a database backup, it will use an existing database via the connection string.
Option (* = required) Description
--------------------- -----------
--backup-dir directory containing backup to restore
--backup-files comma-delimited list of backup files, or a single .par file
--catalog catalog to export (Oracle N/A)
--connect jdbc connection string for existing database
--destination avro destination directory
--exclude exclusions in form schema(.table)(.column)
* --flavor database type (sqlserver, oracle)
--password database password (existing db)
--password-file read database password from file (existing db)
--post-sql path of sql file to execute after restore/connect
--pre-sql path of sql file to execute before restore/connect
--schemas only export this comma-delimited list of schemas
--tables only export this comma-delimited list of tables
--user database user (existing db)
--split-table-strategy flexible split table stratgies (only applicable for sqlserver)
-h, --help show help
# Application defaults, can be overridden by a job
# Note ${UUID} is substituted everywhere with the same random UUID at startup time
# Docker host for managing containers
# Make sure this is at least # threads or you will get Hikari connection timeouts
# MS SQL Server defaults
# Attempt to dump a table in parallel using partitions based on PKs (beta)
# Oracle defaults
# Target size for generated Avro files, based on *uncompressed* source table bytes.
# Set to zero for unlimited file size.
# Normalize table names (columns always normalized)
# Core-count multiplier determines number of avro threads
Currently the application consists of a single module "db-to-avro-runner". More modules in the future can be added to call this runner from a REST API, Pubsub queue, etc.
Pass docker database mounts as command line options in addition to properties file
Resume features:
Use temp files when writing to disk, rename to final name when complete.
Cancelled/crashed jobs should resume at last table exported
Option: if destination file exists, don’t export that table
Option to save directly to a GCS bucket
Support for regex in schema/table/column exclusion filters
Get row counts from Avro generation, instead of DB introspection (which is too slow for billions of rows)
Ability to restore backup into pre-existing database (eg. from CoS boot creation)
Schema introspection should be able to exclude tables that will cause problems like '?' in column name
Validation: Number of rows in database should match number of rows written by db-goodies ETL
Ability to self-bootstrap into a new VM created in GCP and monitor output (?)
Job runner that reads VM metadata for job input (?)
Pub/sub job runner (?)
Formalized progress reporting (not logging)
Switches for:
Deleting docker container after successful export
Listing catalogs, schemas, and tables
Testing connection to db
Option for saving output as .avro instead of .json, so manifest is included with the dataset itself.
Unit tests(!)