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This library renders HTML form from JSON Schema field tags of a Go structure. It is based on JS library.


See full example.

Define or instrument existing structure with JSON schema field tags and with form item field tags.

type User struct {
	FirstName string     `json:"firstName" required:"true" title:"First name" minLength:"3"`
	LastName  string     `json:"lastName" required:"true" title:"Last name" minLength:"3"`
	Locale    string     `json:"locale" title:"User locale" enum:"ru-RU,en-US"`
	Age       int        `json:"age" title:"Age" minimum:"1"`
	Status    userStatus `json:"status" title:"Status"`
	Bio       string     `json:"bio" title:"Bio" description:"A brief description of the person." formType:"textarea"`

Create form repository and add schemas.

jf := jsonform.NewRepository(&jsonschema.Reflector{})
err := jf.Add(User{})

Mount handlers with static assets and schemas to *web.Service.

jf.Mount(s, "/json-form/")

Dynamic Forms

Form can be rendered using ./form.html and query parameters.

{String} title - Title of the form.
{String} schemaName - Schema name.
{String} valueUrl - URL to fetch value.
{String} submitUrl - URL to submit form.
{String} submitMethod - HTTP method to use on form submit.
{Number} successStatus - Success HTTP status code to expect on submit.



Static Forms

For more user-friendly URLs, multiple forms on page and other page customizations you can use Render to create web pages with forms.

repo.Render(output.Writer, jsonform.Page{}, jsonform.Form{
    Title:         "Update User",
    SubmitMethod:  http.MethodPut,
    SubmitURL:     "/user/" + strconv.Itoa(input.ID) + ".json",
    Value:         user,
    SuccessStatus: http.StatusNoContent,

Form Field Tags

  • formType, values "textarea","password","wysihtml5","submit","color","checkboxes","radios","fieldset", "help", "hidden", "ace"
  • formTitle example "Submit"
  • readOnly example "true"
  • prepend example "I feel"
  • append example "today"
  • noTitle example "true"
  • htmlClass example "usermood"
  • fieldHTMLClass example "input-xxlarge"
  • placeholder example "incredibly and admirably great"
  • inlineTitle example "Check this box if you are over 18"
  • activeClass example "btn-success", button mode for radio buttons
  • helpValue example "<strong>Click me!</strong>"