Detective tool to record voice and click pictures. Developed using ionic cordova. Developed as an asignment of Internet Technologies.
Objective: Use Camera and voice recorder in the app.
1. Setting up your development environment for Ionic projects
Please refer the following link to do the initial setup of Ionic framework.
Packages to be installed:
i. Node.js:
ii. NPM(Node Package Manager): It get installed with Node.js
iii. After installing i & ii check the installation with npm --version and node --version. If installed correctly,
install Ionic CLI and Cordova using the command
sudo npm install -g ionic cordova
iv. For building an app we need Java and android SDK.
Java Download(JDK 1.8):
Please download 1.8 version only
v. Download Android Studio from
If gradle doesn't get installed with Android studio, download it from
vi. For Ubuntu, after installing all the above softwares. Update the path in ~/.bashrc file.
add these lines at end of the file. Please make sure to change the path as per your installation folder
export JAVA_HOME="/opt/java/jdk1.8.0_181" export ANDROID_HOME="/home/swapnil/Android/Sdk" export PATH={$PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$ANDROID_HOME/build-tools export GRADLE_HOME="/opt/android-studio/gradle/gradle-4.4/bin" export PATH=${PATH}:$GRADLE_HOME
Now you are ready to do the app development.
2. Writing the Code
3. Building and testing the app
There are several ways to test the app, we see how to build and test the app on our own android phone.
Two ways to do the same:
- Build the apk on system and then copy it to the phone, install and test.
- Build the apk: ionic cordova build android
Apk is generated at this location ../platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug - Copy the apk to phone through usb or mail or anything.
- Install the apk and test the funcionality of the app.
- Build the apk: ionic cordova build android
- Using the USB debugging from Developer options on phone.
- Activate the developer options in phone.Check
- Turn on USB Debugging in developer options from settings.
- Run cmd on system: ionic cordova run android --device
- The above command will install the app on the phone. Now test it.