- Updated to RTKLIB v2.4.3 b34
- Add support for BASEPOS option
- Set additional flags for GAL Broadcast Orbit 5
What's Changed
- Set additional flags for GAL Broadcast Orbit 5 by @dgburr in #56
- Fix bug in handling of half cycle ambiguity flag in RTCM3 MSM messages by @dgburr in #59
- Wide-lane ambiguity fixing for multi-constellation, L1/L2 or L1/L5 by @tao-swift in #57
- Use MSG_BASE_POS_ECEF to determine base station location by @dgburr in #60
- Additional command line options for rnx2rtkp by @dgburr in #58
- GPS/GAL L1L5 configuration to use Skylark by @tao-swift in #61
- Fix handling of ant1-postype/ant2-postype options by @dgburr in #62
- Updated to RTKLIB v2.4.3 b34 - Merge upstream master to support BDS by @tao-swift in #63)
- Fix pos2kml GCC build errors by @ljbade in #66
- Decode B2a and add Skylark configuration file by @tao-swift in #67
- Use RTCM base station position by @tao-swift in #70
- Move sbp2rinex files by @dgburr in #71
- Fix BASEPOS option by @dgburr in #68
- Reduce differences with upstream repo by @dgburr in #74
- Disable bdsmodear when using widelane with BDS by @dgburr in #73
- Improvements for RTKPLOT and RTKPOST by @dgburr in #65
- Mac and Linux releases via GitHub Actions by @john-michaelburke in #75
- Windows release via GitHub Actions by @john-michaelburke in #76
- Improvements for RTKNAVI by @ebethon in #77
New Contributors
- @tao-swift made their first contribution in #57
- @ljbade made their first contribution in #66
- @john-michaelburke made their first contribution in #75
- @ebethon made their first contribution in #77
Full Changelog: v2.2...v2.3