Checks Email permutations and their validity
Ever wanted to check if a persons email exists, furthermore find that persons email by permutating several combinations of their email. This little PHP web app lets you do just that.
Created using a combination of open source code, this web app is ready to go, just clone our repo and deploy. Add an empty uploads folder if you wish to upload CSV files.
Supports full CSV email list uploads to check emails for validity Supports Email permutation checks
To add more permutation types, simply edit the permutatorEmail.class.php file
-It currently supports first name and last name permuation types for all domains
IPV4 Calculations are done in the DNS.php file, located in DNS folder
To see it running, test it out here
Suggested hosting: We suggest you host this on a VPS host or a VM, it can put pressure on your server if you use shared hosting so be careful.
This isn't exactly the worlds best looking email permuatator and validator, if you want to make it look good...fork in and commit, we'd love some help.