Outlander is a dark, flat UI theme for Atom. Flanderized combines the elegant simplicity of Outlander with the tranquil-yet-vivid colorset we call Solarized Dark.
Best used with the Solarized Dark syntax theme that comes included with Atom. Well, that's what I like to use it with. You have to live your own life. Make your own choices. Decide what's best for you. And sometimes I won't agree. Even if I'm right, I still have to let you make your own mistakes.
Run the following in a terminal:
$ apm install flanderized-ui
Alternatively, the theme can be installed from the settings menu at preferences -> themes, from where the theme itself can also be applied.
- Fix selected file highlighting being interrupted by scroll bar in tree view
- Change remaining gray areas to a more Solarized-compatible shade.
- Decide whether I'm comfortable with a UI theme that changes the color of the gutter and selection, which is more of a syntax decision.
An excellent question. Fork of Outlander incorporating Solarized = Flanderized
It's also a reference to the TV Tropes concept of Flanderization. This is a TV Tropes link and should be clicked with extreme caution. If you begin reading the article, you become highly likely to fritter away the rest of your day clicking from article to article the same way one does when first discovering Wikipedia.
I am happy to accept constructive feedback, bug reports, and pull requests. Having said this, this is more of an educational exercise for me than anything else, so please don't take it personally if I don't respond or don't incorporate your changes.
- Ethan Schoonover's Solarized color scheme
- Michael Hadley's Outlander UI theme for Atom
- File icons in the screenshot are powered by Dan Brooker's file-icons package.
- The editor font in the screenshot is Jany Belluz's Fantasque Sans Mono.