The RTMP server/client written by Rust.
- Just on this repository
git clone
cd ./sheave/sheave-server
cargo run -- --rtmp
- On the docker image
docker run --rm -it -e PROTOCOL=rtmp -e HOST= -e PORT=1935 tmatsudate/sheave-server:latest
- Just on this repository
git clone
cd ./sheave/sheave-client
cargo run -- -i filename.flv -f flv rtmp://
The third choice for personal use of RTMP tools.
- Available to be free in common features.
- Open Source and extensible.
- Easy to use for any small use cases. (e.g. on the VPS)
- RTMP handshake.
- Configuration exchange.
- Storing/Publishing audio/video data.
- Outputting in detail by loggers.
- Subscribing audio/video data.
MIT License Copyright (c) 2023 Tsuyoshi Matsudate