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⚡ All-in-one Vim 8+ plugin for Tact programming language


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🚀 Adds syntax highlighting, grammar completion and miscellaneous support for the Tact programming language to Vim 8+ and Neovim.

⚡ Tact is a new programming language for TON blockchain that is focused on efficiency and simplicity. It is designed to be easy to learn and use, and to be a good fit for smart contracts, because it is a statically typed language with a simple syntax and a powerful type system.


See the highlighting showcase below (uses One Dark color scheme).
Note, that you can disable highlighting of identifiers, if you want to :)

Highlighting showcase


First time in Vim 8+? Read this!

Click to see

Assuming you don't have any configuration in the .vimrc file, it's nicer to setup some sane defaults first before using this (or any other) plugin. Also, the following mini-guide will use the built-in package management for Vim 8+ and won't introduce anything fancy.


  1. Get yourself a Vim of version 8+ installed and make sure to have git installed and present on your path as well
  2. Create a ~/.vimrc file (or ~/_vimrc if you're on Windows)
  3. Without such file there were sourced defaults by the Vim authors, but once it's created, we have to put them back explicitly by adding those lines in and saving changes :w:
unlet! skip_defaults_vim
source $VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim
  1. While we're here, let's add some tact.vim-specific stuff in as well. This time save and quit as we no longer need to add anything (:wq):
let g:tact_style_guide = 1  " Enabling default indentation style

" the following is optional and added purely for your convenience:
inoremap <silent> <c-space> <c-x><c-o>  " Open completion menu on ctrl-space

Note: on macOS the <c-space> is already bound in the system, so unless the terminal intercepts it you'll have to use a different keybinding.

  1. It's also nice to source in the extended defaults provided by the tpope/vim-sensible. To do so, let's use the built-in package manager:

On Linux, macOS or *BSD:

git clone "" ~/.vim/pack/tpope/start/sensible

On Windows, do this in PowerShell:

git clone '' $HOME\vimfiles\pack\tpope\start\sensible
  1. Finally, let's install ⚡ tact.vim:

On Linux, macOS or *BSD:

git clone "" ~/.vim/pack/tact-lang/start/tact
vim -u NONE -c "helptags $HOME/.vim/pack/tact-lang/start/tact/doc" -c q

On Windows, do this in PowerShell:

git clone '' $HOME\vimfiles\pack\tact-lang\start\tact
vim -u NONE -c 'helptags $HOME\vimfiles\pack\tact-lang\start\tact\doc' -c q
  1. Start the Vim in the valid Tact project to be able to use :Tact command for easy compilation or simply provide any .tact file otherwise. Happy coding 🚀

Built-in package manager in Vim 8+

Click to see

This is the recommended installation method if you use at least Vim 8 and you don't use another package manager. More about Vim's built-in package manager: :help packages.

For Linux/macOS:

git clone "" ~/.vim/pack/tact-lang/start/tact
vim -u NONE -c "helptags $HOME/.vim/pack/tact-lang/start/tact/doc" -c q

For Windows/PowerShell:

git clone '' $HOME\vimfiles\pack\tact-lang\start\tact
vim -u NONE -c 'helptags $HOME\vimfiles\pack\tact-lang\start\tact\doc' -c q

Don't forget to restart Vim after :)


Click to see

Info about it: Vundle repository.


  1. Add tact.vim to your plugin list in ~/.vimrc (or ~/_vimrc on Windows) by inserting the line that starts with Plugin:

    call vundle#begin()
      " ...
      Plugin 'tact-lang/tact.vim'
      " ...
    call vundle#end()
  2. Restart Vim or run :source ~/.vimrc.

  3. Run :PluginInstall.


Click to see

Info about it: vim-plug repository.


  1. Add tact.vim to your plugin list in ~/.vimrc (or ~/_vimrc on Windows) by inserting the line that starts with Plug:

    call plug#begin()
      Plug 'tact-lang/tact.vim'
    call plug#end()
  2. Restart Vim or run :source ~/.vimrc.

  3. Run :PlugInstall.

lazy.nvim (Neovim-only)

Click to see

Info about it:


  1. Add tact.vim to your lazy.nvim setup in ~/.config/nvim/init.lua (or ~/AppData/Local/nvim/init.lua on Windows):

       -- ...
       { 'tact-lang/tact.vim' },
       -- ...
     }, {})
  2. Run :Lazy.



By default this plugin sets an omnifunc option to provide auto-completions by triggering CTRL-xCTRL-o in INSERT mode. However, if you're using an LSP client for Tact language, it may overwrite this option and disable the completion and basic linting capabilities provided by this plugin alongside of it.

In order to prevent that behaviour you may want to bind completion features of this plugin to a competefunc option (which is quite conveniently triggered by CTRL-xCTRL-u in INSERT mode). Add the following to your ~/.vimrc (or ~/_vimrc on Windows) if you'd like to prefer and bind completefunc over omnifunc:

" CTRL-x CTRL-u instead of CTRL-x CTRL-o
let g:tact_prefer_completefunc = 1
vim.g.tact_prefer_completefunc = 1

Alternatively, add the following to the init key of your lazy.nvim config:

  -- ...
    init = function()
      -- ...
      vim.g.tact_prefer_completefunc = 1
      -- ...
  -- ...
}, {})


Add the following to your ~/.vimrc (or ~/_vimrc on Windows) to enable preferred indentation style for Tact:

let g:tact_style_guide = 1
vim.g.tact_style_guide = 1

Alternatively, add the following to the init key of your lazy.nvim config:

  -- ...
    init = function()
      -- ...
      vim.g.tact_style_guide = 1
      -- ...
  -- ...
}, {})


If you want to disable highlighting of identifiers: variables and constants (but not structures), add the following option:

let g:tact_blank_identifiers = 1
vim.g.tact_blank_identifiers = 1

Alternatively, add the following to the init key of your lazy.nvim config:

  -- ...
    init = function()
      -- ...
      vim.g.tact_blank_identifiers = 1
      -- ...
  -- ...
}, {})

To disable highlighting of structures (names of traits, messages, contracts and structs), add the following:

let g:tact_blank_structures = 1
vim.g.tact_blank_structures = 1

Alternatively, add the following to the init key of your lazy.nvim config:

  -- ...
    init = function()
      -- ...
      vim.g.tact_blank_structures = 1
      -- ...
  -- ...
}, {})


Basic code formatting can be done by a series of Vim motions: gg=G (plus Ctrl-o twice to return to the original cursor position), or by invoking a :TactFmt command, which does all that for you without messing up with your cursor. Use both with caution, as Vim-native indentation handling is known to be prone to errors.


To enable code-folding add the following snippet. This one might have an impact on editing performance, proceed with caution:

augroup tact_folding
    au FileType tact setlocal foldmethod=syntax
augroup END

Make a ~/.config/nvim/after/ftplugin directory (~/AppData/Local/nvim/after/ftplugin) and put the file tact.lua in it with the following contents:

vim.opt.foldmethod = "syntax"
vim.opt.foldenable = false  -- disables automatic folding on file opening


To trigger an abbreviation, type it in followed by punctuation such as a space or comma, and it would get expanded into a code snippet. It's advised to use space for this as it usually produces best results.

These abbreviations (and auto-completions of their names) are available right away:

  1. a_fun — expands to the function declaration
  2. a_extfun — expands to the extension function declaration
  3. a_mutfun — expands to the mutable function declaration
  4. a_natfun — expands to the native function declaration
  5. a_co — expands to the contract declaration
  6. a_tr — expands to the trait declaration
  7. a_st — expands to the struct declaration
  8. a_me — expands to the message declaration
  9. a_se — expands to send(SendParameters{...}) call

Keep in mind that abbreviations are always there and you can always type them in, even if they're not shown by omnicompletion when deemed not suitable for the current completion context.

To avoid expansion in INSERT mode, type Ctrl-V after the last character of the abbreviation (on Windows, type Ctrl-Q instead of Ctrl-V).

To completely disable abbreviations provided by this plugin only, add this to your ~/.vimrc (or ~/_vimrc on Windows):

let g:tact_disable_abbreviations = 1
vim.g.tact_disable_abbreviations = 1

Alternatively, add the following to the init key of your lazy.nvim config:

  -- ...
    init = function()
      -- ...
      vim.g.tact_disable_abbreviations = 1
      -- ...
  -- ...
}, {})


Simply run :Tact command to try to compile using Tacts' compiler and look for errors. See Usage section for more info on the command.


For the ease of omnicompletion usage, you may want to add this or similar bindings, but they are not obligatory to use the plugin:

" Open omnicompletion menu on ctrl-space
inoremap <silent> <c-space> <c-x><c-o>
vim.keymap.set('i', '<c-space>', '<c-x><c-o>', { noremap = true, silent = true})

Note, that on macOS there's a default system-wide keyboard shortcut for CtrlSpace (^space). You may want to change it to be CmdSpace instead or use the different binding in Vim.

At times when omnicompletion (CTRL-xCTRL-o) can't complete much it fallbacks to keyword completion (CTRL-xCTRL-n). But that's not always the case, so if omnicompletion doesn't show anything, try keyword one!


For your convenience there's a :Tact command available whenever you open any .tact files. It tries to run the build script from your package.json project file, which, as shown in this official example here, should invoke a Tact compiler. You're expected to have a Node.js of the current LTS (or later) version installed on your system, alongside of npm for the :Tact command to work.

It's generally recommended to go over the example, as it shows how to get started with Tact. Alternatively, use the official project template: either copy or create a new repository based off of it.

Wish you good luck and fun exploring Tact! ⚡

Useful Tact links


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