This repository for the Emebedded System Software Course(CSE4116) in Sogang Univ.
Cross-Platfrom Development
Host PC: Linux, Ubuntu 14.04 on x64 architecture
Target Board: Embedded Linux System on ARM architecture
Implement Clock, Counter, Text Editor, and Draw Board Mode using device control and IPC.
Implement programs using system call programming, module programming and device driver implementation.
- Implement a module(module/kernel_timer.c) including a device driver(fpga_fnd, fpga_led, fpga_dot, fpga_text_lcd) and timer module.
- Implement a system call(syscall/pack_timer.c) that takes parameters and returns them as a single variable.
- Implement an application(app/app.c) that performs simple output using the implemented device driver and system call.
Implement a stopwatch program using module programming and device driver and interrupt implementation.
- Implement a stopwatch module(module/stopwatch.c) including a device driver (gpio_fnd), timer module and interrupt.
- Implement an application(app/app.c) that uses the implemented module.
- Home: start main timer
- Back: pause main timer
- Vol+: reset main timer
- Vol-: Start end timer. If press vol- 3 seconds continuously, exit the executing application
- Taeseung Lee
- Modify android native framework for project.
- Modified Android Framework : Surface Flinger, Graphics part of HAL
- Android Version : Kitkat (API 19)
- Taeseung Lee (me)
- Taeguk Kwon (