Update dependencies
- Spring 5.3.23
- AWS 1.12.344
- Jackson 2.14.0
- Apache CXF 3.5.4
- Jetty 9.4.49.v20220914
- Joda-Time 2.11.2
- ActiveMQ 5.16.5
- Hibernate 5.6.14
- Log4J 2.19.0
- Guava 31.1
- Commons Codec 1.15
- Mongo Java Server 1.42.0
- Liquibase 4.17.2
- Mongo Java Driver 4.8.0
- Bson 2.13.1
- Nimbus JOSE+JWT 9.23
- JSON Small and Fast Parser 2.4.8
- Swagger 2.2.3
- etcd4j 2.18.0
- Hazelcast 5.1.4
- XDocReport 2.0.4
- Bouncycastle Provider 1.72
- Jacoco Maven Plugin 0.8.8
- Moved Mongo Java Server to optional dependency (in most cases Fake Mongo is not needed or can be added)
BREAKING: replaced mongobee with Mongock (5.1.6), mostly backwards compatibility but configuration(see Class MongoDBConfig) and annotations (@Changelog and @'ChangeSet) have to be replaced by Mongock equivalent https://docs.mongock.io/v5/features/legacy-migration/index.html
InterconnectMapper: extension to allow registering modules and enabling/disabling features
Fixing Bug in IVO Generator. Auditing and inheritence resulted in doubled fields(lastChange, lastChangeUser) and strange/unexpected behaviour. Fixed now.
Fixed problem in ActiveMQ with use of pooled connections on event listeners that causes avoidable regular reconnects
Extend IdWithVersion with method toString() for better error logging
Log4jDaemonProperties.getCustomLevelMap no longer gives back immutableMap with empty configString. This was unexpected when you want to add values afterwards.