This is seed project for Scala + Akka stack. It provides minimal but fully functional project structure for project that requires Akka Http and Akka.
It delivers simple HTTP service (SimpleService.scala) and one actor (ServiceActor.scala)
Project is based on Gitter8 templating engine.
- With SBT new
sbt new
or with
- With Gitter8
Project contains couple of variables that you have to accept or change during (you will be prompted to change them):
- name = scala-akka-seed-change-me
- namespace = kubertnetes-namespace-change-me
- akka_version=2.5.17
- akka_http_version=10.1.5
- scala_test_version=3.0.5
- jackson_version=2.8.6
- log4j_version=1.2.17
- package=ch.tamedia
- nexus=
Note that files tdaci.env
and tdaci.yml
can be ignored.
Any improvements and suggestions can be sent via pull request or by email.