Create app to generate a daily painting in html (see codepen)
- 10 . clip some copy from NYT to accompany the html painting
- 20 . publish a screenshot on your favorite img stream
automated screenshots with puppeteer
node .\take-screenshot.js
use chancejs on puppeteer projects install chance-cli Chance: usage
explore charlatan persona=generator
use npm pageres to create full page screenshots 6 ♦
npm install pageres-cli
pageres 1024x768 1366x768 #2 screenshots
pageres 1024x768 1366x768
Lab pageres > using pageres api
update pageres:
npm update -g pageres
Using a list of screen resolutions
pageres <url> < screen-resolutions.txt
pageres 1024x768 1366x768
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
npm i -g puppeteer
npm install
Get a screenshot
node --unhandled-rejections=strict src/index.js
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Hat tip to On Kawara
- March 22, 2020
- how to use functions in puppeteer?
- Getting started with puppeteer