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This extension allows admins to configure rules to be triggered when certain events happen in TastyIgniter.


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The TastyIgniter Automation extension allows you to automate certain actions within your TastyIgniter application. These automations are triggered when specific events occur, such as a change in order state. Actions can include sending an email to a customer or sending print jobs to a printer when an order status.


  • Event-driven automation system
  • Customizable automation actions
  • Conditional automation rules
  • Background processing using Laravel Queue
  • Global parameters available to all automation rules
  • Extendable with custom events, actions, and conditions


You can install the extension via composer using the following command:

composer require tastyigniter/ti-ext-automation:"^4.0" -W

Run the database migrations to create the required tables:

php artisan igniter:up

Automation workflow

The Automation extension follows a specific workflow when an automation is triggered:

  1. The extension registers associated actions, conditions, and events using the registerAutomationRules method.
  2. When a system event is triggered, the parameters of the event are captured, along with any global parameters.
  3. These captured parameters are then attached to a job and placed onto the queue for background processing.
  4. The job retrieves all automation rules that match the triggered system event and runs them.
  5. The automation conditions are checked to ensure that any required conditions are met.
  6. Finally, the automation actions associated with the triggered rules are executed using the captured parameters.


You can manage automations in the admin panel by navigating to Tools > Automations.

Defining events

An event class is responsible for preparing the parameters passed to the conditions and actions.

Automation Event classes are typically stored in the src/AutomationRules/Events directory of an extension. The Event class is a simple class that extends Igniter\Automation\Classes\BaseEvent and defines the eventDetails and makeParamsFromEvent methods.

Here is an example of an event class:

namespace Author\Extension\AutomationRules\Events;

class CustomerRegisteredEvent extends \Igniter\Automation\Classes\BaseEvent
    public function eventDetails(): array
        return [
            'name' => 'Registered',
            'description' => 'When a customer registers',
            'group' => 'customer'

    public static function makeParamsFromEvent(array $args, $eventName = null): array
        return [
            'user' => array_get($args, 0)

The eventDetails method returns information about the event, including the name and description. The makeParamsFromEvent method prepares the captured parameters passed to the conditions and actions.

These are the available options for the eventDetails method:

  • name - The name of the event. This is displayed in the admin panel.
  • description - A description of the event. This is displayed in the admin panel.
  • group - The group to which the event belongs. This is used to group events in the admin panel.

Defining actions

A action class defines the final step in an automation and performs the automation.

Action classes are typically stored in the src/AutomationRules/Actions directory of an extension. The Action class is a simple class that extends Igniter\Automation\Classes\BaseAction and defines the actionDetails, defineFormFields, and triggerAction methods.

namespace Author\Extension\AutomationRules\Actions;

class SendMailTemplate extends \Igniter\Automation\Classes\BaseAction
    public function actionDetails(): array
        return [
            'name' => 'Compose a mail message',
            'description' => 'Send a message to a recipient',

    public function defineFormFields(): array
        return [
            'fields' => [
                'template' => [
                    'label' => 'lang:igniter.user::default.label_template',
                    'type' => 'select',
                'send_to' => [
                    'label' => 'lang:igniter.user::default.label_send_to',
                    'type' => 'select',

    public function triggerAction($params)
        $email = $this->model->send_to;
        $template = $this->model->template;

        // Send mail

The actionDetails method returns information about the action, including the name and description. The defineFormFields method defines the form fields required for the action, see TastyIgniter's available form field types. You can access fields defined in the defineFormFields method using $this->model->field_name. The triggerAction method performs the automation action.

These are the available options for the actionDetails method:

  • name - The name of the action. This is displayed in the admin panel.
  • description - A description of the action. This is displayed in the admin panel.

Defining conditions

A condition class is used to check whether a condition is true or false.

Automation condition classes are typically stored in the extensions's src/AutomationRules/Conditions directory. The Condition class is a simple class that extends Igniter\Automation\Classes\BaseCondition and defines the conditionDetails and isTrue methods.

namespace Author\Extension\AutomationRules\Conditions;

class MyCondition extends \Igniter\Automation\Classes\BaseCondition
    public function conditionDetails(): array
        return [
            'name' => 'Condition',
            'description' => 'My Condition is checked',

    public function isTrue(&$params): bool
        return true;

The conditionDetails method returns information about the condition, including the name and description. The isTrue method checks whether the condition is true for the specified parameters.

These are the available options for the conditionDetails method:

  • name - The name of the condition. This is displayed in the admin panel.
  • description - A description of the condition. This is displayed in the admin panel.

Defining model attribute conditions

Just like the condition class above, a model attribute condition class applies conditions to sets of model attributes.

Automation model attribute condition classes are typically stored in the extensions's src/AutomationRules/Conditions directory. The model attribute condition class is a simple class that extends Igniter\Automation\Classes\BaseCondition and defines the conditionDetails, defineModelAttributes, and isTrue methods.

namespace Author\Extension\AutomationRules\Conditions;

class CustomerAttribute extends \Igniter\Automation\Classes\BaseCondition
    public function conditionDetails(): array
        return [
            'name' => 'Customer attribute',
    public function defineModelAttributes(): array
        return [
            'first_name' => [
                'label' => 'First Name',
            'last_name' => [
                'label' => 'Last Name',

    public function isTrue(&$params): bool
        return true;

The defineModelAttributes method defines the model attributes and labels required for the condition.

Registering automation events, actions, and conditions

After creating the event, action and condition classes, you can make them available in the admin panel by registering them in the registerAutomationRules method of the extension class.

The registerAutomationRules method should return an array with the following keys:

  • events - an array of event class that triggers an automation.
  • actions - an array of action class that performs a task when an automation is triggered.
  • conditions - an array of condition class that checks whether a condition is true or false before an action is performed.
  • presets - predefined automation rules available in the admin panel.
public function registerAutomationRules(): array
    return [
        'events' => [
        'actions' => [
        'conditions' => [
        'presets' => [
            'registration_email' => [
                'name' => 'Send customer registration email',
                'event' => \Igniter\User\AutomationRules\Events\CustomerRegistered::class,
                'actions' => [
                    \Igniter\User\AutomationRules\Actions\SendMailTemplate::class => [
                        'template' => 'igniter.user::mail.registration_email'

Registering global parameters

Global parameters are available to all automation rules. You can register global parameters in the boot method of the extension class.

use Igniter\User\Facades\Auth;
use Igniter\Automation\Classes\EventManager;

public function boot()
        'customer' => Auth::customer()


The Automation extension registers the following permissions:

  • Igniter.Automation.Manage: Control who can manage automations in the admin area.

For more on restricting access to the admin area, see the TastyIgniter Permissions documentation.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.

Reporting issues

If you find a bug in this extension, please report it using the Issue Tracker on GitHub.


Contributions are welcome! Please read TastyIgniter's contributing guide.

Security vulnerabilities

For reporting security vulnerabilities, please see our our security policy.


TastyIgniter Automation extension is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.


This extension allows admins to configure rules to be triggered when certain events happen in TastyIgniter.




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