Calculate possible words and corresponding points in Scrabble for given letters.
$ python
Enter letters: abcdef* # "*" for blank character
Enter language (en):
Enter regex (optional):^m.*$ # Apparently there is an "m" on the board and we want to use it.
mazed - 17 points
madefy - 15 points
maze - 15 points
max - 12 points
maybe - 12 points
mack - 12 points
mafic - 12 points
malfed - 12 points
macled - 11 points
medoc - 10 points
mobed - 10 points
madoc - 10 points
make - 10 points
meak - 10 points
medic - 10 points
madge - 9 points
macle - 9 points
mabel - 9 points
macer - 9 points
mwa - 8 points
mew - 8 points
- English: /usr/share/dict/words :) (lowercased)
- Turkish: zemberek