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nrun will run a single command or script on a multiple of target servers synchronously.


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nrun will run a single command or script on a multiple of target servers
synchronously.  ncopy will copy a file or directory to multiple target servers.

the underlying remote access mechanism is exchangeable. as of now, ssh, nsh, rsh
and local execution modes are implemented.

the return code and all command output will be logged.

Copyright 2013 Timo Benk <[email protected]>

nrun is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

nrun is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.


installation is straight forward:

# perl Makefile.PL
# make install

if desired it is possible to change the installation prefix using the
parameter DESTDIR:

# perl Makefile.PL DESTDIR=~/applications


usage: nrun -t HOST1[,HOST2,...] -- COMMAND
--copy                      copy command to target host before execution.
--log-directory DIR         base directory for the log files.
--parallel,-p MAX           number of parallel connections (defaults to 5).
--reverse,-r                reverse copy the source file from all target hosts.
--target,-t HOST1,HOST2     comma separated list of target hosts.
--timeout SEC               timeout for each command execution (defaults to 60).
--version,-v                print the version string and exit.
--mode,-m MODE              remote execution mode:
                            generic - generic mode
                            local - execute the script locally, set TARGET_HOST on each execution
                            nsh - nsh based remote execution
                            rsh - rsh based remote execution
                          * ssh - ssh based remote execution
--filter,-f FILTER          output filter to be applied:
                            async - dump the command output asynchroniously
                            null - do nothing
                            raw - dump the raw data received from the worker module
                            result - dump only the exit code
                          * sync - dump the command output synchroniously
--logger,-l LOGGER1,LOGGER2 logger to be used:
                            null - do nothing
                          * output - log the command output
                          * raw - log the raw data received from the worker module
                          * result - log only the exit code
--check,-c CHECK1,CHECK2    checks to be applied to each host:
                          * ns - check if hostname is resolvable
                            null - do nothing
                          * ping - check if host answers to ping
                            rscd - check if rscd agent answers

usage: ncopy -t HOST1[,HOST2,...] -- SOURCE TARGET
--log-directory DIR         base directory for the log files.
--parallel,-p MAX           number of parallel connections (defaults to 5).
--target,-t HOST1,HOST2     comma separated list of target hosts.
--timeout SEC               timeout for each command execution (defaults to 60).
--version,-v                print the version string and exit.
--mode,-m MODE              remote execution mode:
                            generic - generic mode
                            local - execute the script locally, set TARGET_HOST on each execution
                            nsh - nsh based remote execution
                            rsh - rsh based remote execution
                          * ssh - ssh based remote execution
--filter,-f FILTER          output filter to be applied:
                            async - dump the command output asynchroniously
                            null - do nothing
                            raw - dump the raw data received from the worker module
                          * result - dump only the exit code
                            sync - dump the command output synchroniously
--logger,-l LOGGER1,LOGGER2 logger to be used:
                            null - do nothing
                          * output - log the command output
                          * raw - log the raw data received from the worker module
                          * result - log only the exit code
--check,-c CHECK1,CHECK2    checks to be applied to each host:
                          * ns - check if hostname is resolvable
                            null - do nothing
                          * ping - check if host answers to ping
                            rscd - check if rscd agent answers


1. run the command "ls" on host1 and host2.

$ nrun --target host1,host2 -- ls

2. run the command "ls -al" on host1, host2 and all hosts in the file HOSTS.LST.

$ nrun --target HOSTS.LST,host1,host2 -- ls -al

3. run the command "ls" on all hosts in the file HOSTS.LST - mode "ssh".

$ nrun --target HOSTS.LST --mode ssh -- ls 

4. copy the script bin/ to each target hosts and execute it.

$ nrun --target HOSTS.LST --copy -- bin/

5. execute the local script for each target host

$ nrun --target HOSTS.LST --mode local -- ./

6. copy file test.tar to all hosts in the file HOSTS.LST

$ ncopy --target HOSTS.LST -- test.tar /tmp 

7. reverse copy file /etc/passwd from all hosts in the file HOSTS.LST

$ ncopy --target HOSTS.LST --reverse -- /etc/passwd /tmp 


special configuration options for the different modes and additional all
commandline options can be given in a configuration file. the following three
places will be searched for configuration files (values in the last
configuration file will overwrite values in the first configuration file).
indentation does matter (YAML syntax).

- $FindBin::Bin/../etc/nrunrc
- /etc/nrunrc
- $HOME/.nrunrc

# mode ssh options
ssh_copy: >
    -o User=root
    -o PreferredAuthentications=hostbased,publickey
    -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
    -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
    -o LogLevel=FATAL

ssh_rcopy: >
    -o User=root
    -o PreferredAuthentications=hostbased,publickey
    -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
    -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
    -o LogLevel=FATAL

ssh_exec: >
    -o User=root
    -o PreferredAuthentications=hostbased,publickey
    -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
    -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
    -o LogLevel=FATAL

ssh_delete: >
    -o User=root
    -o PreferredAuthentications=hostbased,publickey
    -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
    -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
    -o LogLevel=FATAL
    HOSTNAME rm -f "FILE"

# additional commandline options
    arg_mode: ssh
    arg_check: ping,ns
    arg_filter: sync
    arg_logger: result,output,raw
    arg_parallel: 5
    arg_timeout: 60

    arg_mode: ssh
    arg_check: ping,ns
    arg_filter: result
    arg_logger: result,output,raw
    arg_parallel: 5
    arg_timeout: 60

# alias definitions
        - host1
        - host2
        - host3
        - host4
        - production
        - development


on each execution run, the command output and exit code will be saved inside the
logging directory. the default logging directory is $HOME/.nrun. Logging is realized by
so called filters (see FILTERS).

- $LOGDIR/result.log - will contain the exit codes
- $LOGDIR/output.log - will contain the complete command output for all hosts
- $LOGDIR/raw.log - will contain the raw worker output for all hosts

mode ssh

use ssh as the underlying remote access mechanism.

the following configuration options must be set in the configuration file:

'ssh_exec'   - commandline for remote execution (COMMAND, ARGUMENTS, HOSTNAME will be replaced)
'ssh_copy'   - commandline for remote copying (SOURCE, TARGET, HOSTNAME will be replaced)
'ssh_rcopy'  - commandline for reverse remote copying (SOURCE, TARGET, HOSTNAME will be replaced)
'ssh_delete' - commandline for remote deletion (FILE, HOSTNAME will be replaced)

for passwordless login ssh-agent can be used:

# ssh-keygen
# scp .ssh/ $USER@$HOST:.ssh/authorized_keys

# eval `ssh-agent` 
# ssh-add

to prevent any ssh interaction the following ssh command paramters are

-o User=root
-o PreferredAuthentications=hostbased,publickey
-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
-o LogLevel=FATAL

mode rsh

use rsh as the underlying remote access mechanism.

the following configuration options must be set in the configuration file:

'rsh_exec'   - commandline for remote execution (COMMAND, ARGUMENTS, HOSTNAME will be replaced)
'rsh_copy'   - commandline for remote copying (SOURCE, TARGET, HOSTNAME will be replaced)
'rsh_rcopy'  - commandline for reverse remote copying (SOURCE, TARGET, HOSTNAME will be replaced)
'rsh_delete' - commandline for remote deletion (FILE, HOSTNAME will be replaced)

mode local

execute the script locally for each host and set the environment variable
TARGET_HOST on each execution.

'local_exec' - commandline for local execution (COMMAND, ARGUMENTS, HOSTNAME will be replaced)

mode nsh

use nsh as the underlying remote access mechanism.

the following configuration options must be set in the configuration file:

'nsh_exec'   - commandline for remote execution (COMMAND, ARGUMENTS, HOSTNAME will be replaced)
'nsh_copy'   - commandline for remote copying (SOURCE, TARGET, HOSTNAME will be replaced)
'nsh_rcopy'  - commandline for reverse remote copying (SOURCE, TARGET, HOSTNAME will be replaced)
'nsh_delete' - commandline for remote deletion (FILE, HOSTNAME will be replaced)
'nsh_check'  - commandline for the agentinfo check command (HOSTNAME will be replaced)

mode generic

this is a special generic mode the can be used for arbitrary remote execution
mechanism. it takes only two configuration options, one to specify a command
for remote exection and one to specify a command for remote copying.

'generic_exec'   - commandline for remote execution (COMMAND, ARGUMENTS, HOSTNAME will be replaced)
'generic_copy'   - commandline for remote copying (SOURCE, TARGET, HOSTNAME will be replaced)
'generic_rcopy'  - commandline for reverse remote copying (SOURCE, TARGET, HOSTNAME will be replaced)
'generic_delete' - commandline for remote deletion (FILE, HOSTNAME will be replaced)

an example that resembles the mode ssh would look the following way:

generic_copy: >
    -o User=root
    -o PreferredAuthentications=hostbased,publickey 
    -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no 
    -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
    -o LogLevel=FATAL 

generic_rcopy: >
    -o User=root
    -o PreferredAuthentications=hostbased,publickey 
    -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no 
    -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
    -o LogLevel=FATAL 

generic_exec: >
    -o User=root
    -o PreferredAuthentications=hostbased,publickey
    -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
    -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
    -o LogLevel=FATAL

generic_delete: >
    -o User=root
    -o PreferredAuthentications=hostbased,publickey
    -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
    -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
    -o LogLevel=FATAL
    HOSTNAME rm -f "FILE"



a filter reads the raw output generated by the worker processes and prints this
output in a specific format.

filter raw

this filter will just dump the output as it is provided by the worker process. no
formatting will be done.



filter async

this filter dumps the worker process output unsynchronized in the following format. unsynchronised
means, that output lines from the different worker processes are printed at the same time they are



filter sync

this filter dumps the worker process output synchronised in the following format. synchronized
means, that the complete output for a single hosts will be dumped at once when the worker proces
has finished execution.



filter result

this filter will only print the exit codes for the worker processes.


        HOSTNAME: exit code CODE


a logger reads the raw output generated by the worker processes and logs this
output in a specific format.

logger output

this logger creates a logfile in the logging directory called output.log which
contains the same data that the filter sync produces.

logger result

this logger creates a logfile in the logging directory called result.log which
contains the same data that the filter result produces.

logger raw

this logger creates a logfile in the logging directory called raw.log which contains the same
data that the filter raw produces.


a check does a specific check for each hostname. if the check fails, the hostname
that failed will be removed from the target list and an error message will be
printed. multiple checks may be given at the command line.

check ping

checks that the host is pingable.

check ns

checks that the hostname is resolvable to an ip address.

check rscd

checks that the rscd agent is alive.


a target name may be either a filename containing the target hosts, one per line,
an alias definition in the configuration file or simply a hostname.

if there is a conflict, for example an alias named identically as an existing
file, the alias will always overrule the filename and the filename will always
overrule the hostname.

an alias can be defined in the configuration file the following way. an alias
definition may contain additional alias names, filenames or simply hostnames.
indentation does matter.

    # alias definitions
            - host1
            - host2
            - host3
            - host4
            - production
            - development

transferring the public key

the helper script misc/put_pubkey can be used to transfer the ssh public key
to the target hosts without supplying a password for each login. it is meant
to be executed by the nrun script in mode local.

$ nrun -t HOSTS.LST --mode local --timeout 120 -- ./put_pubkey KEY USER PWD

a note on the git repository

$ git clone
$ ln -s ../../.git_hooks/commit-msg .git/hooks

to enable keyword substitution:
$ git config --local filter.keywords.clean ".git_filters/keywords -m clean -f %f"
$ git config --local filter.keywords.smudge ".git_filters/keywords -m smudge -f %f"

to disable keyword substitution:
$ git config --local filter.keywords.smudge "cat"

after git keyword substitution is enabled, the following command will replace
all keywords in the source files:

$ git checkout HEAD .

for keyword substitution to work at least git version v1.7.3.4-599-ga2b665d is


nrun will run a single command or script on a multiple of target servers synchronously.







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