Android App for exploring NASA's "Astronomy Picture of the Day" API.
- Following Android Architecture Recommendations
The app contains a simple Compose UI that shows:
- A list of random images returned from NASA's APOD API
with title and dates that they were the APOD.
- The list is sortable by Title or Date, changed via Floating Action Button.
- The list can be refreshed using pull-to-refresh to get a new random list from the API.
- Room Database
- Dependency injection with Hilt
- Jetpack ViewModel
- UI using Jetpack Compose and Material3
- Jetpack Navigation
- Reactive data layer
- Kotlin Coroutines and Flow
- Unit tests
- UI tests using fake data with Hilt
- Trevor Crawford
- This code is distributed under the terms of the Apache License (Version 2.0). See the license for more information.
- Based on template code from Android Architecture Templates
- See notice for attribution of any Libraries used in this project.