TDLight 3.2.0
13 commits
to master
since this release
To use this version in your project read the following example.
<!-- Add the following repository -->
<name>MCHV Apache Maven Packages</name>
<!-- Add the following dependency -->
<!-- Add the following dependencies -->
<!-- Java 8 is supported if you use the following dependency classifier: <classifier>jdk8</classifier> -->
<!-- don't specify the version here -->
<!-- Include other native classifiers, for example linux_amd64_gnu_ssl3, linux_amd64_clang_ssl3, macos_amd64, linux_armhf_gnu_ssl3, ... -->
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
// import the BOM
implementation platform('it.tdlight:tdlight-java-bom:3.2.0+td.1.8.20')
// do not specify the versions on the dependencies below!
implementation group: 'it.tdlight', name: 'tdlight-java' // Java 8 is supported if you use the following dependency classifier: `jdk8`
implementation group: 'it.tdlight', name: 'tdlight-natives', classifier: 'linux_amd64_gnu_ssl1'
// Include other native classifiers, for example linux_amd64_gnu_ssl3, linux_amd64_clang_ssl3, macos_amd64, linux_armhf_gnu_ssl3, ... -->