Trillian led us to the finals at the North Carolina Regional in 2013 with a fast and powerful drive train, a consistent shooter, and a speedy climber.
- X-Axis - Drive forwards and backwards
- Y-Axis - Turns left and right
- Z-Axis - Turns left and right
- Button 1 - Half speed drive
- Button 6 - Raise and lower climber
- Y-Axis - Moves shooter up and down when set to manual
- Button 1 - Shoots loaded disks
- Button 2 - Enables manual aiming
- Button 3 - Preset shooting angle for under the tower
- Button 4 - Preset shooting angle for dashboard set angle
- Button 5 - Preset shooting angle for loading disks
- Button 6 - Preset shooting angle for shooter all the way up
- Button 11 - Reverses shooter direction
- PWM 1 - Rear Left Drive Motor
- PWM 2 - Rear Right Drive Motor
- PWM 3 - Front Left Drive Motor
- PWM 4 - Front Right Drive Motor
- PWM 5 - Shooter Motor
- PWM 6 - Shooter Angle Motor
- Solenoid 1 - Shooter Piston
- Solenoid 2 - Shooter Piston
- Solenoid 3 - Climber Piston
- Solenoid 4 - Climber Piston
- Relay 4 - Compressor
- DIO 1 - Compressor
- DIO 2 - Shooter Angle Limit
- AI 1 - Shooter Angle Potentiometer