Squab was built for the 2024 FIRST Robotics Competition game, Crescendo, in which robots were tasked with moving 14" foam rings around a field, to be shot or placed into various scoring areas.
Squab was build atop the WPILib Command-Based framework, with documentation here.
Squab contains the following major subsystems:
- A swerve drivetrain
- built with Swerve Drive Specialties mk4i
- controlled with CTRE's swerve system
- An under-the-bumper intake for notes
- built with pully belts to smoothly pull the note
- utilizing a Beam-Break sensor for note tracking
- A wrist-mounted shooter/feeder
- built with compliant wheels on the shooter and foam rollers for the feeder
- utilizing a Beam-Break sensor for note tracking
- utilizing a PWM Through-Bore Encoder for angle feedback
- controlled with PID Feedback for velocity on the shooter
- controlled with PID Feedback and Arm Feedforward for angle precision on the wrist
- Two 3-stage climbers
- built to be linearly moved by winch rotation
- built with springs to hold the arms rigid
- utilizing Hall Effect sensors to prevent climber damage
- A LimeLight for vision processing and tracking