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Cycle Flow

This is a project that is made for a hackathon to highlight an idea which most people neglect, that is women's health care and hygiene .

It project include two main components:

  1. Data set.
  2. Prediction model that will predict the next menstrual cycle on the basis of user input .


In this busy world women always neglect their health and health related problems. This model will help to make their day to day life a little easier .

What it does

Women who use our application receive a constant overview of their menstrual cycle. They receive warnings if the cycle is too early or too late. In case of issues women can consult medical assistance with the help of the application.

Additional stuff

We would like to add as much information, data visualisation as possible to our application for women. Speaking about the women-side, we are not experts on this topic since we are data science learners and developers . Therefore we will ask for help from top experts in Data Science.


The working is very simple yet powerful.

Women can save their own menstrual cycle data. The software predicts the next cycle and its parts such as days with bleeding, fertile or non-fertile periods. If there is a problem in the periodicity of the cycle, the software shows a warning message. An early detected menstruation problem provides better treating outcomes. Besides these features, women can ask for medical assistance if it is needed.

Features : Current app can predict Day of Ovulation by taking some detail such as length of mentrual cycle etc as inputs from user .

Upcoming Features:

  1. unique menstrual cycle prediction for women to check the big parts of next period such as beginning and ending of menstrual cycle, beginning and ending fertile or non-fertile days
  2. warning for potential health problems based on the irregularity of menstrual cycle.


The biggest advantage of an application is that it does not need extra hardware. It can run on an existing server. Since the user-side is optional, if the woman has a mobile device (such as phone, tablet, laptop), she can use their own application.

Sustainability & Impact

This application offers a solution for an existing problem, as long as the problem exists our solution has a good reason to exist. Women can follow their own menstrual cycle and they can be warned about potential illnesses or any other abnormal factor of their cycle. Women can plan their life according to the menstrual cycle or to the fertile and non-fertile periods.


phase 1

Finding Dataset

phase 2

Analysing Dataset

phase 3

Making Prediction Model

phase 4

Working on web app 

How to Run

pip install -r requirements.txt

Go into the folder open terminal and run

steramlit run

Or test it from here

Cycle Flow

Cycle Flow 2.0