A more compatible version of MojangFix for Minecraft b1.7.3 with GlassConfigAPI configs to increase the mod's compatibility. Fixes skins, authentication, and more.
- For more InventoryTweaks (ex:
left-click + drag
) consider : https://modrinth.com/mod/inventorytweaks - For better auth/skin fixes use RetroAuth: https://modrinth.com/mod/retroauth
Skin and cape fix (including 1.8+ outer layers)
- Added ability to raise slim skin shoulders with GlassConfigAPI
- Added ability to toggle rendering the player cape with GlassConfigAPI
Basic inventory tweaks
Previously unlisted changes
- Enable Bit Depth Fix
- Enable Command Keybinding
- Used to more quickly open up the chat window and type in a command
- Enable Death Screen Score Fix
- Enable Debug Graph Hidden By Default
- Use the new keybind (default: LCtrl) + F3 to open up debug screen with graph
- Optionally using GCAPI config switch keybind to toggle debug graph whenever pressed
- Enable Displaying World Seed In Debug Menu
- Enable MojangFix Version Text On Title Screen
- Enable Quit Button
- Change Resources Download URL
- This edition of MojangFix lets you change it yourself as well in the config settings
- Download an instance of Babric for Prism Launcher: https://github.com/Glass-Series/babric-prism-instance
- Install Java 17 and set the instance to use it: https://adoptium.net/temurin/releases/
- Add GlassConfigAPI 3.0.2+ to the mod folder for the instance: https://modrinth.com/mod/glass-config-api
- Add Glass Networking to the mod folder for the instance: https://modrinth.com/mod/glass-networking
- (Optional) Add StationAPI to the mod folder for the instance: https://modrinth.com/mod/stationapi
- (Optional) Add Mod Menu to the mod folder for the instance: https://modrinth.com/mod/modmenu-beta
- Add this mod to the mod folder for the instance: https://github.com/telvarost/BetaTweaks-StationAPI/releases
- Run and enjoy! 👍
- Q. Why is minecraft so small and part of my screen white?
- A. You probably have screen scaling on or are using a high DPI screen. There are 4 possible ways to fix this:
- You can pass the following string in as a java argument in the settings tab
- You can install ClientsideEssentials mod or UniTweaks and use their screen scaling fix from GCAPI config options (fix may produce small artifacts with this option)
- You can change the DPI settings for Prism Launcher to system
- Or, you can change your screen scaling to 100%
- You can pass the following string in as a java argument in the settings tab
- A. You probably have screen scaling on or are using a high DPI screen. There are 4 possible ways to fix this: