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Security: terrateamio/.github


Reporting Security Vulnerabilities

At Terrateam, the security of our platform is a top priority. If you discover a security vulnerability, please report it to us privately at [email protected]. We will acknowledge your report as soon as possible and work with you to resolve the issue promptly.

Upon receiving your report, we will assess the severity and take the necessary steps to address it, including:

  • Identify the appropriate fix.
  • Implement and deploy the fix across our SaaS platform, Docker images, and source code.
  • Create a related GitHub issue, tagged with security if appropriate.

We handle all security reports confidentially until a resolution is in place.

Stay Secure

To ensure you benefit from the latest security updates and improvements, we always recommend using the most up-to-date version of Terrateam.

Responsible Disclosure

We kindly ask that any discovered security vulnerabilities be reported to us confidentially and that you refrain from public disclosure until we’ve had a reasonable amount of time to address the issue and deploy a fix. This helps ensure all customers remain protected.


While we don’t operate a formal bug bounty program, we truly appreciate your efforts to help us improve security. For any actionable security vulnerabilities you report, we’ll gladly reward you with Terrateam merch as a token of our appreciation.

Thank you for helping us keep Terrateam secure and reliable.

There aren’t any published security advisories