Read story behind this repo on Medium
- .Net hosting with a HTTPS configuration (I'm using Azure)
- Slack
- Mandrill
- MSSQL database
Clone this repo.
Setup a connection string to a MSSQL database in Web.config.
Run Enable-Migrations and Update-Database in the Package Manager Console to initiate the database.
In the database there's now a Agents table. For each agent (salesperson) add a row. (SlackId should be the user name in Slack)
In Slack create a new channel (mine is called #leads) and under Custom Integrations add a Incoming WebHooks for this channel. Enter the generated webhook url in Web.config.
Add these Slack Commands and enter tokens in Web.config:
- /bid POST to https://yourdomain/api/slack/bid
- /autobid POST to https://yourdomain/api/slack/autobid
- /bids POST to https://yourdomain/api/slack/bids
- /balance POST to https://yourdomain/api/slack/balance
Get a Mandrill API key and enter in Web.config.
In Mandrill setup an Inbound Domain and point this to https://yourdomain/api/mandrill/inbound.
Publish to Azure?
Show balance for each agent. (private)
Show all bids for current auction. (private)
Set your bid to X for current auction.
Get your current bid. (private)
Set your autobid to X for future auctions
Get your current autobid. (private)