To get started, download and install Scala 2.10, sbt, and Spark 1.6.1.
Download the prebuilt version 1.6.1 from here: Download Spark
Move it to the standard installation directory on your machine.
environment variable to this directory.
To build from source, execute the package command from sbt:
challenge.git$ sbt package
Copy the OANC input transcripts into the resources
directory. The expected path is:
To generate output files, run the jar you just created in standalone mode. This will run locally on a single machine.
challenge.git$ $SPARK_HOME/spark-submit target/scala-2.10/interview-challenge_2.10-1.0.jar
The relevant output files can be found here:
While this sample code runs on a single node, the driver could easily be modified to operate on a full Spark cluster, whether standalone or Hadoop-based. Provided the input files are sufficiently small to fit into memory (and thus suitable for use with sc.wholeTextFiles()
), this solution should scale well with the addition of file consolidation functionality.