A Clojure library designed to operate Google Maps API through official SDK
[lowl4tency/google-maps "0.3.0-SNAPSHOT"]
(:require [google-maps.core :as m])
(m/make-context "API-KEY")
returns GeoApiContext
(m/latlng {:lat Num :lng Num})
returns LatLng
(m/address->coordinates context address)
returns {:lat Num, :lng Num, :address Str, :city Str, :country Str}
(m/coordinates->address context LatLng)
returns {:address Str, :city Str, :country Str}
(m/distance context {:a1 Str :a2 Str})
returns {:distance Num ;meters
:duration Num} ;seconds
## License
Copyright © 2016 8ll
Distributed under the MIT License either version 1.0 or (at
your option) any later version.